Multilateral Cooperation
UDs and SIL CAMEROON in partnership
Dschang UDs/SIC-04/07/17.The University of Dschang and the Summer Institute of Linguistic (SIL) signed a memorandum of Understanding (MoU), today 4th July 2017 at the chancellery conference hall. The MoU is aimed at promoting the development of join studies, research and training activities ,Linguistic research, writing systems and orthography, literacy and multilingual education, computational linguistics and translation, as well as other educational programs of mutual interest, . The MOU will also be a platform for staff and student exchange programs, mentorship and internship with SIL, especially for Graduate and Postgraduate programs in the domains of linguistics, organisation of conferences and workshops just to name a few. Speaking at the signing ceremony, the VC of UDs, Prof TSAFACK NANFOSSO Roger heartily welcomed the Director General of SIL Cameroon, Mr Bert Visser and his collaborator in the institution. He went on to highlight the importance of the MoU to the Faculty of Letters and the Institution as a whole. The Director General of SIL Cameroon on his part expressed the wish that together the two institutions could work hand in glove to promote both local and sustainable development of communities. The signing ceremony ended with a symbolic gift, offered by the VC to the August guests.