National day celebration 2017
Uniqueness of 45th Edition in UDs
Dschang-UDs-SIC-21/05/17: Though it is a routine that the University of Dschang celebrates the national day each year, this year was particularly special with some innovations. On a very quick glance, non-Cameroonian students studying in UDs were attributed a special space; rather than marching with UDs, they were the curtain raiser as they started the match past, for the entire division and not for UDs only. Another remarkable issue still in this light is the participation of students from our brotherly country Nigeria. It should be noted that contrary to the youth day where only 20 of non-Cameroonian students took part in the march pass, the number escalated to 42 students during the national day celebration. Another noteworthy difference in the 20th May celebration was the non-participation of a usual group-cultural clubs; during the march pass the only cultural club that took part was the Fan’s club. This can be explained by the fact that the fan’s club is generally considered a semi-sports club and a cultural club. Thus as they took part in the University Games in Bamenda 2017, it was obvious that they should march alongside other medalists who took part in the University games. Another major difference in this year’s national day celebration was that fact that more women took part in the march pass than men. Out of a total number of 340 students who took part in the march pass, 173 of them were females, making them to have an absolute majority of 50.88% female students over 49.12% of male participants. The hallmark of this year’s national day celebration is remarkable with major aspects like national and regional integration as well as gender equity and as usual, UDs will always be the pace setter for others to emulate./MZR