Official ceremony of the proclamation of results for the 2017/2018 academic year
UDs Wraps up year in grand style
Dschang,UDs/SIC-31/07/18.The 3rd edition of the traditional closing ceremony of the academic year of the University of Dschang took place on Tuesday, July 31st 2018. This event was hosted at the Amphi 1000 at 10.30 a.m amidst administrative, religious, traditional and academic authorities. The event which equally marked the proclamation of results was opened by Prof Mpoame Mbida (VREPTIC/UDs) who outlined the uniqueness of UDs amongst other universities giving details of the number of staff and students present in the institution. The presence of 665 foreign students within the university as proclaimed the Deputy-Vice-Chancellor marked its collaboration at the international level. In his welcome speech, the VREPTIC praised the concerted efforts put in by the university authorities through the driving force of collective dynamics initiated by the Vice Chancellor Prof. Roger Tsafack Nanfosso. Prof. Wanda Robert (DAAC/UDs) took up the floor to launch the proclamation of results phase. Before proceeding he gave the number of students and success rate achieved by each faculty which was as follows. FSLH -5250 students with a success rate of 49.52%, FSEG, 4247 students 42.45% success rate, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences -3715 students 71.07% success rate, Faculty of Sciences 8369 students 53.47% success rate, IUT/Fotso Victor 3471 students 61.18% success , Faculty of Medicine 507 students with 82.62% success rate resulting to a 56.04% total success rate for the 2017-2018 academic year for the University of Dschang. The turn then came for the laureates of each faculty to be officially congratulated. This phase was led by the Deans in collaboration with the heads of departments who offered transcripts and testimonials to five meritorious candidates of each discipline. Orange Cameroun which had recently signed a partnership with UDs made its presence felt by offering a scholarship of 50.000 frs each to forty outstanding students, five from each faculty. The gesture was aimed at helping the students out with their school fee. The student representative during the ceremony presented a bilingual speech lauding the prophetic pronouncements of Prof. Nanfosso who on the 4th of August 2017 declared the academic year was to end on July 31st 2018. He expressed gratitude to the Head of State, the Minister of Higher Education and all the lecturers for their incessant support for their academic work. The student delegate then expressed a plea from the student for an extension of the wifi on the campus which will give access for a better use of the presidential gift of PB HEV laptops offered them in February 2018. /GC