Opening of the 2018/2019 UDs sports season
FASA Annex Bafia sets the pace
Dschang,UDs/SIC-08/12/18. The 8th of December, 2018, will remain in the annals of the citadel of knowledge as one of its maiden campuses –Bafia, hosted the 2018/2019 sporting season of the institution. The event started with a courtesy call by the University’s administrative delegation to the office of the S.D.O of the Mbam and Inoubou, Mr. Justin Mvondo. The SDO expressed profound gratitude and diligence for the hosting of such a ceremony in his division. The Lycée Classique football field served as venue for the colorful launching ceremony which commenced at 12.30 am in the presence of the divisional authorities, students and an impressive number of members of the public.
The Mayor, Mr. NWATSOCK Max Abraham in his welcome speech, called on the athletes to translate their educational virtues into sportsmanship garnished with the spirit of fair play all through the season. He highlighted the essence of sports in the higher educational development of young Cameroonians. The Mayor, however, enumerated some challenges faced by the annex such as; shortage of personnel, absence of Internet connection ,a medical center, laboratories, a canteen, a borehole among others. He concluded, by hoping that a branch of the faculties of Law and Political Sciences as well as Economics and Management should be extended to the newly created annex of Bafia.
The Dean of FASA, Prof. Dieudonné Bitom in his allocation, gave an in-depth presentation of the annex stating that on the 1st November Annex opened its doors; the total student population was 157. 81 for level 1 (22 girls and 59 boys), and 76 students were admitted into level 2. For 2017/2018 academic year, there were an increased number of students; 95 students at level 1, and 76 at level 2. This 3rd year (2018/2019) recorded 118 at level 1, 99 at level 2 and 71 at level 3, making a total of 288 students at the end of the 3rd year. Prof Bitom, further stated that, 3 options were opened at the 3rd level which are Crop Production (PV), Animal production (PA) and Economy and Rural sociology (ESR). He expressed satisfaction on the practical activities of the annex highlighting the fact that over 200 cocoa plants and 100 stockers of bananas as well as the production of three tons of maize has been achieved by the institution so far. He underscored that the training at the annex was geared at making the students auto-employed and structured entrepreneurs of the future.
The Director of Student’s Welfare, Rev .Dr Valere Ebendeng in his poetic presentation did not hide his satisfaction for of the head of institution’s collective dynamic spirit. He emphasized that the sporting spectrum was a venue to fish out talents and ensure a follow- up of athletes during the next university games hosted by UDs. He presented the renowned corps of trainers and coaches the University has, and averred their commitment to ensure a smooth sports season. The Director ended with a colorful presentation of gifts to the S.D.O and Mayor. The event was electrifyingly animated by dance, choral, and fanfare groups to the pleasure of participants. At the end of the opening ceremony, a family picture and cocktail crowned the event.