Prof Brusil Metou, DVC in charge of Research
Research and cooperation handled by an international jurist
Dschang, UDs/SIC-10/07/17. Professor Brusil Miranda Martine Metou is the new Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Research, Cooperation and Relations with the Business World of the University of Dschang. She was formerly Director of the Center for Studies and Research in International and Community Law in the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Yaoundé II Soa. Appointed by Presidential decree No 319 of June 2017, this specialist in international affairs and holder of aggregation of law faculties comes to replace Professor Celestin Chameni Nembua who is now the Technical Adviser at the general secretariat of the Prime Minister’s office. Prof Brusil Metou will have the delicate mission of reviving a post having been vacant for eleven months. The challenges are first to boost research with efficiency, secondly to accelerate cooperation and thirdly to consolidate and extend buy adipex lose weight relations with business world. She is not coming to start from scratch since there is already a post graduate school which is very dynamic and where about one hundred doctorate/PhD theses are defended yearly. She will equally have the duty to build a national and international cooperation characterized with an offensive partnership between UDs and Cameroonian organizations extending to Africa and the world and foster relations with the business world. The new Deputy Vice Chancellor is known in the University of Yaoundé II Soa as a workaholic, a dynamic lady who knows how to stubbornly pursue her objectives once she is convinced of the pertinence. One of her immediate task could probably be to contribute to bring the University of Dschang’s Foundation out in its initial stage as it will be launched on August 4th, 2017.