Prof Julius Kewir Tangka is the new DIPD/UDs
He is back to a mastered terrain
Dschang, UDs/SIC-01/09//21. The new Director of Infrastructure, Planning and Development is now known. Prof Julius Kewir TANGKA was appointed by Presidential Decree N° 2021/497 on the 31th of August 2021. The new Director is an Associate Professor in Mechanical [Agricultural] Engineering and is back to a position he has previously occupied from 2008 to 2017. He replaces Prof Ali Ahmed who has been called to other duties. Formerly appointed as DIPD to the University of Bamenda for a period of four years from 2017 to 2020.
Prof Julius Kewir TANGKA has acquired training in Arava Institute for environmental studies in Israel in 2012, International Institute of Water Environment and Energy 2iE, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso from November to December 2011, UNIDO International Centre for Solar Energy Research, Gansu Natural Energy, Research Institute Gansu Province China from June to July 2010. These trainings made him a holder of several certificates. Certificate on renewable energy for sustainable development, Training course on Bio Fuel implementation, certificate on solar energy application are some of his recognized certificates.
Before being appointed as the new DIPD/UDs, Prof Julius Kewir TANGKA has held different posts of responsibilities like the Director for Development of Infrastructure, Planning and Development University of Bamenda from June 2017 to April 2020, DIPD University of Dschang from October 2008 to June 2017, visiting Lecturer in different universities in and out of the country. He has held several consultancy positions such as Strategic humanitarian services SHUMAS Cameroon since 2009 to 2014 ; Kumbo development organization KUDOC since 2015 amongst others. He has a high educational and professional pedigree that had allowed him supervise over seventeen masters dissertations and several Ph.D Thesis and win both national and international awards including the 2006 UNIDO scholarship award for studies at the UNIDO International Centre for Solar Energy Research Gansu, China ; the 2006 Netherlands Fellowship Program Award for studies at the Institute of Rural Development Planning Tanzania as well as the 1986-92 Cameroon Government scholarship award for university education in Nigeria and many more.
Prof Julius Kewir TANGKA is a member of many professional and scientific societies including the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers ASABE. He is the author of about thirty publications including thesis and conference papers.
Prof Julius Kewir TANGKA was born in February 4th, 1965 in Kumbo, Bui Division North-West Region. He is married and father of five. The new DIPD/UDs is expected to be part of the Collective Dynamic Spirit carried and promoted by the head of the institution, Prof Roger Tsafack Nanfosso and will surely contribute in taking the UDs to higher positions in the area of infrastructure and development. L.D