Publications de la FASA
Liste des publications scientifiques des enseignants/chercheurs de la FASA de 2019 a 2021
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- Victor Joly DZOKOU, Nicaise LONTCHI FOFE, Aoudou YAOUBA, Lucien Dieudonné BITOM OYONO, Joseph Lebel TAMESSE. Entomofauna of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in Menoua division, Western Cameroon. Acta Entomology and Zoology 2(1): 05-11 DOI:
- Victor Joly Dzokou1,*, Nicaise Lontchi Fofe1 , Brice Hermann Kamgaing Kouam1, 2 , Aoudou Yaouba1 , Joseph Lebel Tamesse3. 2021. Fauna Pests Infesting Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in Penja-Cameroon . American Journal of Entomology 5(2): 32-38 doi: 10.11648/j.aje.20210502.13
- Yana* , Y.P. Mveyo Ndankeu***, V.J. Dzokou** and J.L. Tamesse. 2021. Taxonomy of jumping plant lice of the sub-family Ciriacreminae (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) from Cameroon. J. ent. Res. 45 (3) : 494-521 DOI : 10.5958/0974-4576.2021.00078.5
- 4- Ze Medjap Abel Second1*, DZOKOU Victor Joly1 , Yaouba Aoudou1 , Bikomo Mbonomo Rene2 , Djomaha Edwige Sidoine1. 2021. Influence of Cocoa-Based Cropping Systems and the Seasons of the Year on the Pest of Sahlbergella Singularis (Hemiptera: Miridae). South Asian Research Journal of Biology and Applied Biosciences DOI: 10.36346/sarjbab.2021.v03i05.00X
- NYAKA Ngobisa A.I.C., Nsangou Mfiya Zahrah F., DZOKOUO Dzoyem C.U., Sali BOUROU et YAOUBA A. (2021). Effet antifongique de deux extraits de plantes sur les agents pathogènes identifiés sur des fruits de l’anacardier (Anacardium occidentale ) au Nord Cameroun. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 15(3): 1121-1139, ISSN 1997-342X (Online), ISSN 1991-8631 (Print).
- Kelogkou Nana G.E., Yaouba A., Maptue Fotso B., Kouam Djoko I., Nyaka Ngobisa A.IC. (2021). Fungi of post-harvest deterioration of carrot (Daucus Carota L.) and antifungal potential of essential oils of Cymbopogon Citratus and Citrus Sinensis. International Journal of Biosciences (IJB) ISSN: 2220-6655 (Print), 2222-5234 (Online) 18, No. 6, p. 129-138, 2021.
- André Rodrigue Tchamda, Merlain Boris Djousse K., Anselme Maffo Koumetio, Mathias Fru Fonteh, François Becau Pelap, Robert Tchitnga, Martin Kom, “Low-cost Wireless Personal Weather Station for Rural Farmers”, Transactions on Networks and Communications, 9(1), 2021, pp.1-11.
- Julius Kewir Tangka, Djousse Kanouo Boris Merlain, Dontsa Tsafack Bertold Donald, Max Croft and Vincent Kitio . 2021. Comparative Analysis of Biodiesel Production from Five Varieties of Castor Beans. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 23(11): 9-22. DOI: 10.9734/JABB/2020/v23i1130186.
- Sogang Segning Harry Bertholt, Nsah-ko Tchoumboue, Djousse Kanouo Boris Merlain,
Tangka Julius Kewir. 2021. Effect of Oil Extraction Conditions on the Anaerobic Fermentation of Jatropha curcas Seed Cakes. Science Journal of Energy Engineering 2021; 9(1): 1-7. doi: 10.11648/j.sjee.20210901.11. - Julius Kewir Tangka, Djousse Kanouo Boris Merlain, Dontsa Tsafack Bertold Donald, Max Croft and Vincent Kitio . 2021. Comparative Analysis of Biodiesel Production from Five Varieties of Castor Beans. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 23(11): 9-22. DOI: 10.9734/JABB/2020/v23i1130186
- Sogang Segning Harry Bertholt, Nsah-ko Tchoumboue, Djousse Kanouo Boris Merlain,
Tangka Julius Kewir. 2021. Effect of Oil Extraction Conditions on the Anaerobic Fermentation of Jatropha curcas Seed Cakes. Science Journal of Energy Engineering 2021; 9(1): 1-7. doi: 10.11648/j.sjee.20210901.11. - André Rodrigue Tchamda, Merlain Boris Djousse K., Anselme Maffo Koumetio, Mathias Fru Fonteh, François Becau Pelap, Robert Tchitnga, Martin Kom, “Low-cost Wireless Personal Weather Station for Rural Farmers”, Transactions on Networks and Communications, 9(1), 2021, pp.1-11.
- Timothée Thierry Odi Enyegue1, Eric Flavien Mbiakouo-Djomo2, Hugues Tsanga1, Fabien Kenmogne3, Blaise Ngwem Bayiha3, Gilbert Tchemou3, Ebenezer Njeugna4, Didier Fokwa3. 2021. Effects of Soil Compaction in the Fight against Unpaved Roads Degradation Due to Erosion Caused by Heavy Rain: Proposition of a Specific CBR Evaluation Model. Engineering, 13, 95-104 ISSN Online: 1947-394X ISSN Print: 1947-3931.
- Ambara J., Bobo K.S.,Donfack Demesse J. & Mvondo-Ze A.D. (2021). Caractérisation de la compétition et de la croissance de Pericopsis elata(Harms) Van Meeuven dans les plantations de la Réserve Forestière de Deng-Deng (Est, Cameroun). International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences (accepté).
- Reinhold N., Wobker J., Schröder T., Kemnade C., Bobo K.S. &Waltert M. (2021). Confirmation of strong declines of grey parrots in the Korup region, Cameroon, between 2002and 2016. African Journal of Ecology00:1–5. https://doi. org/10.1111/aje.12837 (First pubhished online)
- Awazi NP, Tchamba NM, Temgoua LF. 2021. Climate-smart practices of smallholder farmers in Cameroon faced with climate variability and change: The example of agroforestry. Agricultural Research 10(1):83–96
- Lindsey, M. Baghai, G. Bigurube, S. Cunliffe, A. Dickman, K. Fitzgerald, M. Flyman, P. Gandiwa, B. Kumchedwa, A. Madope, M. Morjan, A. Parker, K. Steiner, P. Tumenta, K. Uiseb, A. Robson. 2021. Attracting investment for Africa’s protected areas by creating enabling environments for collaborative management partnerships. Biological Conservation 255. 108979.
- Lucie Félicité Temgoua, Alvine Larissa Meyabeme Elono, Younchahou Mfonkwet Njiaghait, Amadou Ngouh & Clovis Nzuta Kengne (2021): Land use and land cover dynamics in the Melap Forest Reserve, West Cameroon: implications for sustainable management, Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes, DOI: 10.1080/24749508.2021.1923269
- Kakule, T., Tchamba, M., Dadem, G. C, Spatial and temporal dynamics of anthropogenic threats on the biodiversity of Virunga National Park. International Journal of Forest, Animal and Fisheries Research Vol-5, Issue-1.
- Dadem G. C., Tchamba N. M. and FOTSO, R. C., 2021: Impact of fires on biomass in the Sudano-Guinean savannas of Mbam and Djerem National Park (PNMD), Cameroon. J. Biodivers. Conserv. Article In Press Abstract.
- NTANGMO TSAFACK H., YEMEFACK M., TEMGOUA E., AZINWI TAMFUH P., NJOMGANG R., TCHUMTCHOU A. L., NJINE T. 2021. Effect of Continuous Intensive Cultivation on the Chemical and Microbiological Properties of Oxic Dystrandept Soils in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research 9 (1) : 17-26
- TONANG ZEBAZE A., KOPA NJUEYA A., KWEKAM M., TEMGOUA E. Assessment of Hydrogeoelectrical Characteristics of Crystalline Aquifers and Groundwaters Quality in Adamawa Plateau: Case of Mbakaou (Adamawa – Cameroon). Environmental and Earth Sciences Research Journal 7 (4):156-163
- Temga, J.P., Sababa, E., Mamdem, L.E., Marie Louise Ngo Bijeck, M.L., Azinwi Tamfuh, P., Tehna, N., Zo’o Zame, P., Onana, V.L., Nguetnkam, JP., Bitom, D.L., Ndjigui,-D (2021). Rare earth elements in tropical soils, Cameroon soils (Central Africa). Geoderma regional 24. e00369.
- Temga, J.P., Sababa, E., Mamdem, L.E., Marie Louise Ngo Bijeck, M.L., Azinwi Tamfuh, P., Tehna, N., Zo’o Zame, P., Onana, V.L., Nguetnkam, JP., Bitom, D.L., Ndjigui,-D (2021). Rare earth elements in tropical soils, Cameroon soils (Central Africa). Geoderma regional 24. e00369.
- Woguia BK, Kouankap Nono GD, Azinwi Tamfuh P, Embui FV, Nforba MT, Nzenti JP (2021) Identifying multi-metal prospect using regional soil and stream sediment geochemical data in Bidou, Nyong Series, North West of Congo Craton. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14, 1-15.
- Kashif Ali Kubar, Li Huang, Saddam Hussain, Juvaria Afzal, Muhammad Afzal Chajjro, Muhammad Shaaban, Saqib Bashir, Muhammad Saleem Kubar, Georges Martial Ndzana, Aftab Ali Kubar (2021). Role of tillage and straw management on SOC sequestration: a sustainable approach of soil conservation. Pure and Applied Biology. Vol. 10, Issue 1, pp160-181.
- Fonkwa Georges, Kouam K Marc, Tchuinkam Timoléon, Tomedi E Minette and Tchoumboue Joseph. 2021. Myxobolus (Myxosporea: Myxobolidae) polyinfection patterns in Oreochromis niloticus in Adamawa-Cameroon. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 9(1): 123-130
- Tebug, S. F., Mouiche, M. M. M., Angie, A. W., Teno, G., Tiambo, C. K., Moffo, F., & Awah-Ndukum, J.: Antimicrobial use and practices by animal health professionals in 20 sub-Saharan African countries. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 186: (2021) doi:
- Moffo, M.M. Mouliom Mouiche, N.H. Okah-Nnane, A. Wade and J. Awah Ndukum (2021) Challenges of integrated of antimicrobial resistance surveillance in food-producing animal and related public health risks in Cameroon. Antimicrobial resistance / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 101(S1) (2021) 8–119.
- Ntsafack P, Miégoué E, Noumbissi MNB, Nguedia G, Mouchili M, MBA TAL, Kwayep NC, Fossi J and Tendonkeng F. 2021. Reproduction and preweaning Growth Performances of Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus) Fed on the diets containing Ipomea batatas Leaves and/or Stylosanthes guianensis Meal. J Vet Sci Ani Husb 9(1): 101
- Blaise Arnaud Hako Touko, Anold Tatah Kong Mbiydzenyuy, Tebug T. Tumasang. Heritability Estimates For Antibody Response To Vaccination And Survival To Newcastle Disease Infection Of Native Chicken In A Low Input Production System. Submitted to Frontiers in Genetics, Specialty Section: Livestock Genomics, Article type: Original Research Article, Manuscript ID: 666947, Received on: 11 Feb 2021 Journal website link:
- Blaise Arnaud Hako Touko and Shey Ngomis Yoniwo. Evaluation of the effect of « naked neck » gene (na) on the growth of indigenous chicken fed with Sub-optimal feed diets in Cameroon. Submitted to Frontiers in Genetics, Specialty Section: Livestock Genomics, Article type: Original Research Article, Manuscript ID: 671332, Received on: 21 Feb 2021 Journal website link:
- Ntsafack P, Miegoue E, Noumbissi MNB, Nguedia G, Mouchili M, MBA TAL, Kwayep NC, Fossi J and Tendonkeng F. 2021. Reproduction and pre-weaning Growth Performances of Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus) Fed on the diets containing Ipomea batatas Leaves and/or Stylosanthes guianensis J Vet Sci Ani Husb 9(1): 101
- Budi, F.T.F.A., Amungwa, Manu, I.N. (2021). Role of Agricultural cooperatives in rural development in the area of liberalization in NW and SW regions of Cameroon. Journal of agricultural extension and rural development
- Tambi DM (2021). Effects of Maternal Immunization on Birth Weight in Rural Cameroon. The African Economic Research Consortium, Nairobi, AERC, Research Paper 443.
- Tsila, H.G., Ntonga, P.A., Meyabeme, E.A.L.M., Tchuinkam, T. and Mbida, M. (2021). Laboratory Growth of Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) and Morphological Determinism of Moulting. Advances in Entomology , 9, 176-185.
- Temgoua, L.F, Meyabeme, E.A.L., Mfonkwet, N., Amadou, N. & Nzuta K.C. (2021). Land use and land cover dynamics in the Melap Forest Reserve, West Cameroon: implications for sustainable management. Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes.
- Wamba, F.R., Temgoua E., Meyabeme, E.A.L, Yemeli, E.J. and Ntangmo, T.H. (2021). Peasant Perceptions of Climatic Disturbances in the Municipality of Santchou in West Region of Cameroon. Journal of Global Agriculture and Ecology.
- Sandjon, A. T., Tchotchou, A. L. D., Vondou, D. A., Mbienda, A. J. K., Tanessong, R. S., & Guenang, G. M. (2021). On the study of seasonal patterns of 25-70-day intraseasonal oscillations in Central Africa. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 1-18.
- Komkoua Mbienda, A. J., Guenang, G. M., Tanessong, R. S., Ashu Ngono, S. V., Zebaze, S., & Vondou, D. A. (2021). Possible influence of the convection schemes in regional climate model RegCM4. 6 for climate services over Central Africa. Meteorological Applications, 28(2), e1980.
- Kaissassou, S., Djiotang, L., Komkoua, A., Ekobo, B., Ndzana, B., Tanessong, R. S., & Vondou, A. (2021). Climatology of super‐refraction and trapping layers conditions over Central and West Africa. Meteorological Applications, 28(4), e2016.
- Komkoua Mbienda, A. J., Guenang, G. M., Kaissassou, S., Tchakoutio Sandjon, A., Tanessong, R. S., Matho Lontio, S. L., Vondou, D. A. & Yepdo Djomou, Z. (2021). Boundary layer schemes in the regional climate model RegCM4.6 over Central Africa. Climate Dynamics,
- Tanessong, R. S., Mbienda, A. K., Guenang, G. M., Kaissassou, S., Djiotang, L. A. T., Vondou, D. A., … & Igri, P. M. (2021). Sensitivity of Rainfall to Cumulus Parameterization Schemes from a WRF Model over the City of Douala in Cameroon. Journal of Extreme Events, 2150021.
- Paul Fabrice Nguema, Tsobgho cedric, Mounir zakari Mohamadou (2021): implementation de la precollecte participative dans la gestion durable des dechets solides menagers : cas de l’arrondissement de Douala V au Cameroun. Environnement, Ingenierie & Developpement, 85: 26-33.
- Zakari Mohamadou Mounir, Paul Nguema Fabrice, Keita Souleymane, and Esly Emmanuel (2021): access to water, sanitation and hygiene, (WASH) facilities in selected secondary school in zinder, Republic of Niger: status and challenges. Journal of engineering science, toxicology and food technology, 15 (2): 14-21. DOI: 10.9790/2402-1512021421
- Paul Fabrice Nguema, Boniface Efon, Celestin Defo, Zakari Mohamadou Mounir et Emilienne kimakon Oum (2021) : impacts des pratiques d’hygiene et d’assainissement sur les eaux de surface et souterraines dans la ville de yaounde, Cameroun. Afrique Science, 19(2): 68-80. https://DOI/ 10.5897/AJB2020.17187
- Celestin Defo, Paul Fabrice Nguema , Arthur FabriceTenkam, Boniface Efon (2021): diagnosis of urban sewage sludge management in tropical environment and analysis of improvement strategies: case of the city of Ebolowa, Cameroon (Central Africa). International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 17(2): 37-55.
- Boniface Efon, Marie Solange Mbang, Paul Fabrice Nguema, Celestin Defo (2021). Taking into account of habitat/housing classification in the sewage sludge quantification in cities of sub-saharan African countries: implementation in city of Yaounde (Cameroon). International Journal of Engineering and Technique. 7(2): 1-9
- Zakari Mohamadou Mounir, Kailou Djibo Abdou, Paul Fabrice Nguema (2021). Polluiton de l’air interieur dans les manages des pays en developpement : cas de l’arrondissement communal Zinder 3 en Republique du Niger. Revue territoires, Environnement et societe du LATEDD de l’Universite d’Abomey-Calavi, 1(2): 80-90
- Notué Kadjie and E.B Tchawou Tchuisseu. A multifunction robot based on the slider-crank mechanism: dynamics and optimal configuration for energy harvesting. International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems, Vol.1 n°3, 2021 DOI: 31763/ijrcs.v1i3.408
- Notué Kadjie, Tchakounté, Hyacinthe, Kemajou, Isaac and Woafo, Paul. « Microcontroller-based simulation of a nonlinear resistive-capacitive-inductance shunted Josephson junction model and applications in electromechanical engineering » International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, vol. , no. , 2021, pp. 000010151520180138.
- Iddris, N. A., Corre, M. D., van Straaten, O., Tchiofo Lontsi, R., & Veldkamp, E. (2021). Substantial stem methane emissions from rainforest and cacao agroforest partly negate soil uptake in the Congo Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126, e2021JG006312.
- Ngahane Emilienne Laure, Sagne Moubé Joël et Nana Paulin (2021). Etude comparative des performances des plateformes de compostage de Siteu et de Ngui à Dschang (Cameroun). European Scientific Journal, ESJ, May 2021 edition Vol. 17, No. 17, pp. 248-266.
- DEFO C., NGUEMA P. F., TENKAM F. A., EFON B. Diagnosis of urban sewage sludge management in a tropical environment and analysis of improvement strategies: Case of the city of Ebolowa, Cameroon (Central Africa). International Journal Of Engineering Research And Development, e- ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN: 2278-800X, Volume 17, Issue 2 (February 2021), PP. 37-55.
- NIMPA G. D., NJANKOUO J. M., EFON B., TATIETSE T. T Forest Operations for Power Poles under Cradle-to-Gate Life Cycle Assessment Perspective. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 11, Issue 2, (Series-I) February 2021, pp. 53-62 (
- EFON B. , MBANG M. S., NGUEMA P. F., DEFO C. Taking into account of habitat/housing classification in the sewage sludge quantification in the cities of sub-saharan african countries: implementation in the city of Yaounde (Cameroon). International Journal of Engineering and Techniques – Volume 7 Issue 2, March 2021, ISSN: 2395-1303
- Dzepe, D., Nana, P., Kuietche, H.M. Kimpara J.M., Magatsing O., Tchuinkam T., Djouaka R. (2021) Feeding strategies for small-scale rearing black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) as organic waste recycler. SN Appl. Sci. 3, 252 (2021).
- Dzepe, D., Magatsing, O., Kuietche, H.M. Meutchieye F., Nana P., Tchuinkam T., Djouaka R. (2021). Recycling Organic Wastes Using Black Soldier Fly and House Fly Larvae as Broiler Feed. Econ.Sust.1, 895–906.
- Ngahane E.L., Joël S.M. & Nana P. (2021). Etude comparative des performances des plateformes de compostage de Siteu et de Ngui à Dschang (Cameroun). European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 17(17), 248-266.
- Dang Mvogo V., Defo C. (2021). Assessing water service performances in rural sub-Saharan Africa environment: The cases studies of two councils of the southern and eastern regions of the Republic of Cameroon (Central Africa). Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 11 (1) pp 37-49.
- Dang Mvogo V., Defo C, Tchoffo M. L. (2021). Indicator-based rural water service sustainability assessment: A review. Water Science and Technology-Water Supply.
- Dang Mvogo V., Defo C, Tchoffo M. L. (2021). Sustainability of rural water services in rural sub-Saharan Africa environments: Developing a Water Service Sustainability index. Sustainable Water Resources Management,
- Kamegne Kamtoh L., Defo C., Dang V. (2021). Design and Sizing of a Brewery Wastewater Treatment System in Douala, Cameroon: A Technological Solution for the Protection of the Environment in Sub-Saharan Africa. Sustainable Water Resources Managament,
- Defo C, Nguema P. F., Tenkam A., Efon B. (2021). Diagnosis of urban sewage sludge management in a tropical environment and analysis of improvement strategies: Case of the city of Ebolowa, Cameroon (Central Africa). International Journal of Engineering and Development 17, (2), PP. 37-55.
- EFON B, MBANG M. S., NGUEMA P. F., DEFO C. (2021). taking into account of habitat/housing classification in the sewage sludge quantification in the cities of sub-saharan African countries: implementation in the city of Yaounde (Cameroon). International Journal of Engineering and Techniques – 7 (2), pp1-9.
- Claudine TekounegningTioguéaArlette NadineSoukNgobGuegangTekoubJosephTchoumbouéb (2021) : Preliminary data of life history traits of Mormyridae (Actinopterygii: Teleostei) in the Upper Sanaga River, Central Region of Cameroon.
- Awazi NP, Tchamba MN, Temgoua LF, Avana TML. 2021. Agroforestry as an adaptation option to climate change in Cameroon: Assessing farmers’ preferences. Agricultural Research
- Temgoua LF, Meyabeme Elono AL, Mfonkwet Njiaghait Y, Ngouh A, Nzuta Kengne C. 2021. Land use and land cover dynamics in the Melap Forest Reserve, West Cameroon: implications for sustainable management. Geology, Ecology and Landscapes
- Awazi NP, Temgoua LF, Shidiki A. 2021. Examining farmers’ resilience to climate change and policy ramifications In North-West Cameroon. Current World Environment 16 (1): 46-60.
- Essouman EPF, Temgoua LF, Simo DAB. 2021. Contribution of non-timber forest products Bitter kola, Njangsang and Palm Wine to the Income of Marketers in the Mifi Division of the West Region of Cameroon. Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry 7(3): 27-37.
- Awazi NP, Tchamba MN, Temgoua LF, Avana TML. 2021. Farmers’ adaptive capacity to climate change in Africa: Small-scale farmers in Cameroon. In : Leal Filho W, Ogugu N, Adelake L, Ayal D, da Silva I. (eds) African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation. Springer, Cham Switzerland. pp 87-115.
- Boris Dinictri Soh Wenda and Dorothy Engwali Fon (2021) Evaluating Women’s Empowerment in Rural Cameroon through the Abbreviated – Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index EJ-SOCIAL, European Journal of Humanities and Social SciencesVol1 Issue 3 pages 45 -51
- Gildas Ngueuleweu Tiwang & Fon Dorothy Engwali (2021) Effects of food supply chain performance on unemployment in ssa: does population growth matters?
- Fon Dorothy Engwali and Mengue Melongo Priscille Grace (2021) Implication of Rural Population in Planning Local Community Development in Cameroon: A Need for
Policy Reform (Book Chapter) in Cutting-edge Research in Agricultural Sciences Vol. 13
- Yolar Blandine Ngwangkfu, Fon Dorothy Enwgali and Tohnain Nobert Lengha (2021) Oil palm production: Actors, roles and activities in the value chain. American Journal of Agriculture ISSN 2520-4678 (Online ) Vol.3, Issue 1, pp 21 – 34
- Eloundou Etoundi Christian, Fon Dorothy Engwali and, Minkoua Nzie Jules René (2021) Socio-economic Characteristics of Family-run Maize Farm in the Centre Region of Cameroon American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry; 9(4): 232-237
- Eloundou Etoundi Christian, Fon Dorothy Engwali and, Minkoua Nzie Jules René (2021) Measuring the Technical and Scale Efficiency of Smallholder Maize (Zea mays) Farmers in Cameroon: The Case of the Centre Region. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology39(10): 44-56
- Moluh Njoya Hamza, Fon Dorothy Engwali, Mfewou Abdoulayand Ould Ahmed Pepita (2021) Local Production and Commercialisation of Milk from Holstein Cows in the Grassfields of Cameroon: Contribution to Improving Living Conditions in Rural Areas. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology39(11): 102-113
- Boris Dinictri Soh Wenda and Dorothy Engwali Fon (2021) Assessing Food System Sustainability in Rural Cameroon: An Analysis Focused on Food Supply, Food Security and Food Waste Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development Vol.12, No.16 27 -37
- Yolar Blandine Ngwangkfu, Fon Dorothy Enwgali and Tohnain Nobert Lengha (2021) Smallholders’ socio-economic characteristics of oil palm value chain: Constraints and prospects International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR)
Vol. 19, No. 1, p. 32-40
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- Tankou C.M., Beyegue H.D., Kouam E.B., Essam J.V.L.M., and Ngouenet A. 2020. Responses of potato (Solanum tuberosum) Varieties to Green Manure. Int. J. Agric. Res. 15: 41-47.
- Nathalie Lando loyem, Nobert Tohnain Lengha and Christopher Mubeteneh Tankou (2020). Organic Agriculture: Consumers attitudes and behavioral change in the context of Environmental challenges in Cameroon. International journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science (IJHAF). Volume 4, Issue 2, ISSN: 2456-8635 pp 40-52.
- Nathalie Lando loyem, Nobert Tohnain Lengha and Christopher Mubeteneh Tankou (2020). Swarming: A Quality Agricultural Extension Technique among Organic Farmers in Cameroon. International journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research (IJREH) Vol-4, Issue-3, ISSN: 2456-8678 pp 105 – 112.
- Suika Martha Ngong, Tohnain Nobert Lengha, Tankou Christopher M. 2020. Impact of Technology on Improving Cassava Yield and V alue. International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research (IJOEAR) ISSN: [2454-1850] [Vol-6, Issue-8, pp 32-40.
- Awé Baïna Modeste, Tankou Christopher Mubuteneh, Manu Ibrahim Nformi. 2020. Evaluation de la pertinence des projets et programmes de développement rural au Cameroun, European Scientific Journal October 2020 edition Vol.16, No.29 ISSN: 1857-7881 (Print) e – ISSN 1857-7431.
- James Kinsam Shuweh, Christopher Mubeteneh Tankou, Nobert Tohnain Lengha, Augustine Toh Gam. 2020. Assessment of Grazing Characteristics and Effects on Livelihoods of Food Crop Farmers in Bui and Donga Mantung, North West Cameroon. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume IV, Issue VI, June 2020|ISSN 2454-6186
- Dzokou Victor Joly, Yana Wenceslas, Asafor Henry Chotangui, Mouyiche Mbouemboue Ange Nathanaël and Tamesse Joseph Lebel. 2020. Problematic on the use of synthetic pesticides against insect pests of tomato, (Lycopersicon esculentum) in Foumbot, Western Region of Cameroon. Plants and environment, 2(4):119-125.
- TOUKEA TAMSSAR Nestor, ASAFOR CHOTANGUI Henry, MELIE FEYEM Marie-Noël, DONGMO VOUFO Herve and DJIOKENG FOUFFOU Romaric. Evaluation of seed quality along the rice (Oryza sativa) value chain in cameroon, case of: ndop, tonga and ebolowa rice farmer’s seeds. International journal of current research, Vol 13(01); 15506-15511.
- Primus Azinwi Tamfuh, Asafor Henry Chotangui, Valentine Yato Katte, Rene Akem Achantap, Alice Mufur Magha, Dé-siré Evariste Moundjeu, Fritz Oben Tabi, Dieudonné Bitom. Land Characteristics and Agricultural Suitability Status along a Toposequence in Santa, Bamenda Highlands, Cameroon. HSOA Journal of atmospheric and earth science, 4:022.
- Asafor Henry Chotangui, Modjibaye Betigne, Marie Solange Mandou, Nelly Gaëtane Foussom Kamaleu, Eric Bertrand Kouam. Effect of phyto-extracts of neem (Azadirachta indica) and garlic (Allium sativum) on leaf spot disease of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Open agriculture, 5:441-449.
- Fon Dorothy Engwali, Tiafack Marthe and Asafor Henry Chotangui. 2020. Impact of sustainable agricultural practices on farmers’ production cost in the Noun Division, West Region of Cameroon: policy recommendation. International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research, Vol. 8 (3): 48-54.
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Chapitre d’ouvrage
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- Titus Fondo Amebe and Shidiki Abubakar Ali (2019), “Interactive effects of soil temperature and moisture availability on photosynthetic efficiency and growth of Maesopsis emineii Eng”l. Edited book titled “Research Trends in Forestry Sciences” Vol.3 AkiNik Publications. ISBN: 978-93-5335-628-6. p121 DOI:
- Victor Joly Dzokou, Wenceslas Yana, Joseph Lebel Tamesse and Eliane de Coninck, 2020. Jumping Plant-louse of the Genus Pseudoeriopsylla (Hemiptera-Psylloïdea-Homotomidae), Pest of Moraceae from Cameroon. Book Research Advances in Biology Vol 2_Book Publisher International, Chapter 9, 105-117. Print ISBN: 978-93-90206-93-3, eBook ISBN: 978-93-90206-94-0. DOI: 10.9734/bpi/rrab/v2
Ouvrage Entier
- Shidiki A.A. (2020) Assessment of the intervention programs aimed at Securing pastoralism in the Lake Chad Area. A study made possible by a grant from Carnegie cooperation New York and Search for common ground (SFGC). November, 2020.
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