Publications de la FMSP – page 8

Liste des publications par enseignant de la Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences Pharmaceutiques (Page 8)

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41-Name: Guy Roger NSENGA DJAPA

Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer

Speciality: Internal Medicine,

Sub-speciality: Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Address:        ; Phone: +237 675233260



  • Ankouane Andoulo Firmin, Ngo Nonga Bernadette, Monabang Catherine, Djapa Roger, Tchoumi Eric, Njoya Oudou, Nditoyap Ndam Elie Claude, D Peter Mc Manus, Malonga Eimo. Intracystic bleeding of a solitary hydatid cyst : a rare complication of a rare disease in central Africa. A case report. Case Reports in Clinical Medicine 2013 ;2(2) :163-166.
  • F Ankouane Andoulo, M Kowo, P Talla, E Hell Medjo, R Djapa, O Njoya, EC Ndjitoyap Ndam. Epidemiology of hepatitis B-associated hepatocellular carcinoma in Cameroon. Health Sci. Dis. 2013; 14(1): 16-19.
  • F Ankouane Andoulo, M Tagni-Sartre, D Noah Noah, R Djapa, EC Ndjitoyap Ndam. Prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen in a population of workers in Cameroon. Open Journal of Gastroenterology 2013;3: 323-327.
  • Firmin Ankouane Andoulo, Dominique Noah Noah, Roger Djapa, Michèle Tagni Sartre, Elie Claude Ndjitoyap Ndam, C Ngu Blacket. Rectal bleeding in adults over 20 years: Endoscopic investigations and results in current hospital practices in Yaounde, Cameroun. Open journal of gastroenterology 2013;3:298-302.
  • Ankouane Andoulo F, Kowo M, Ngo Nonga B, Djapa R, Tagni-Sartre M, O. Njoya, Ngu-Blackett C, Biwolé Sida M, Ndjitoyap Ndam EC. Indications, Résultats et Rendement de la coloscopie dans un environnement économiquement défavorable: le cas du Cameroun. Health Sci. Dis. 2013 ;14(4) :1-6.
  • Ankouane Andoulo Firmin, Olinga Medjo Ubald, Hadja Hamsatou, Djapa Roger, Njoya Oudou. Tracheo-esophageal fistula in highly active antiretroviral therapy patient with AIDS. A case report. OA Case Reports 2013;2(11):103


  • Serge Chimi Fotso, Sandra Djomo, Roger Djapa, Firmin Ankouane Andoulo. Ulcères oesophagiens et traitements combines antirétroviraux : A propos d’un cas. Health Sci. Dis: Vol 16 (1) January-February-March 2015.


  • A.F. Eloumou Bagnaka, W.T. Bekono Nga, G. Kenfack, I. Dissongo, G.R. Nsenga Djapa, A. Malongue, C. Tzeuton, O. Njoya, F. Andoulo Ankouane, H. Namme Luma and D. Noah Noah. Random evaluation of the risk of occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic carriers of hepatitis B virus in a highly endemic country using the REVEAL-HBV score. Journal of gastroenterology, hepatology and endoscopy. 2019 ; Vol 4 (1) : 1-5.


  • Noah Noah Dominique, Eloumou Servais Albert Fiacre, Nsenga Djapa Guy Roger, Ze Meka louis Philippe, Tayou Tagny Claude. Seroprevalence of chronic viral hepatitis B in school children aged less than 10 years in the region of Southern Cameroon. International Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy Vol. 5(3): 88-91.


Département de Gynécologie, Obstétrique et Santé Maternell

 42- Name: Bruno KENFACK

Academic Rank: Associate Professor

Speciality: Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Sub-speciality: Gynaecologic cancer prevention and Fight against maternal mortality

Address: P.O. Box 96 Dschang, Cameroon; Phone: +237 677 779 224


ORCID N°: 0000-0002-5157-1378



  1. Roux AN, Kenfack B, Ndjalla A, Jessica Sormani, Ania Wisniak, Karoline Tatrai, Pierre Vassilakos, Patrick Petignat, Nicole Schmidt. Barriers to cervical cancer prevention in rural Cameroon: a qualitative study on healthcare providers’ perspective. BMJ Open 2021; 11:e043637. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-04363
  2. Jessica Sormani, Alida Moukam Datchoua, Patrick Petignat, Bruno Kenfack, and Nicole C Schmidt. Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on an urban cervical cancer screening program in West Cameroon. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2021 Vol 0 No 0
  3. Skinner Lekelem Nguefack, Jackson Jr Ndenkeh, Cavin Bekolo, Bruno Kenfack. Pregnancy outcomes in women with excessive gestational weight gain in Dschang health district of Cameroon. Int J Sci Rep. 2021 Apr;7(4):239-246.
  4. Pierre Vassilakos, Ania Wisniak, Rosa Catarino, Eveline Tincho Foguem, Christine Balli, Essia Saiji, Jean- Christophe Tille, Bruno Kenfack, Patrick Petignat. A cross- sectional study exploring triage of human papillomavirus (HPV)- positive women by visual assessment, manual and computer interpreted cytology, and HPV-16/18–45 genotyping in Cameroon. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002302


  1. Jovanny Tsuala Fouogue, Gerard Tama Fetse, Bruno Kenfack, Jeanne Hortence Fouedjio, Florent Ymele Fouelifack, Grace Kembaou Nganwa, Michel Noubom, Georges Enow Orock, Zacharie Sando, Jean Dupont Ngowa Kemfang. A freaky motorbike accident causing vulvar hematoma: a case report at the Bafoussam Regional Hospital, West-Cameroon. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Mar;9(3):1321-1323
  2. Reine Suzanne Kadia, Benjamin Momo Kadia, Christian Akem Dimala, Desmond Aroke, Noel Vogue and Bruno Kenfack. Evaluation of emergency obstetric and neonatal care services in Kumba Health District, Southwest region, Cameroon (2011–2014): a before-after study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2020) 20:95
  3. Florent Ymele Fouelifack, Bruno Kenfack, Skinner Lekelem Nguefack, Jackson Jr Nforbewing Ndenke, Jeanne Hortence Fouedjio, Loic Dongmo Fouelifa and Pierre Marie Tebeu. Determinants of Non-completion of the Third Dose of Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine in Pregnant Women in Dschang Health District, Cameroon. Advances in Preventive Medicine. 2020, February. Article ID 1603518, 7 pages.
  4. Jérôme Ateudjieu, Martin Ndinakie Yakum, André Pascal Goura, Ayok Maureen Tembei, Douanla Koutio Ingrid, Beyala Bita’a Landry, Bruno Kenfack, Lapia Amada, Isaac Tadzong and Anne Cecile Bissek. EPI immunization coverage, timeliness and dropout rate among children in a West Cameroon health district: a cross sectional study. BMC Public Health (2020) 20:228
  5. Damien Grohar, Geneva, Switzerland; Pierre Vassilakos, Geneva, Switzerland; Khadidja Benkortbi, Geneva, Switzerland; Evelyn Tincho, Dschang, Cameroon; Bruno Kenfack, Dschang, Cameroon and Patrick Petignat, Geneva, Switzerland. Scaling up community-based cervical cancer screening in Cameroon employing a single visit approach. Int J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2020-001422 on 4 May 2020
  6. Juliette Levy, Marie de Preux, Bruno Kenfack, Jessica Sormani, Rosa Catarino, Eveline F. Tincho, Chloé Frund, Jovanny T. Fouogue, Pierre Vassilakos, Patrick Petignat. Implementing the 3T-approach for cervical cancer screening in Cameroon: Preliminary results on program performance. Cancer Medicine. 2020;00: 1–8.
  7. Bruno K, Ajong AB, Michel N, Donald MH, Julius DS. Severe bleeding from misdiagnosed urethral prolapse in two young girls. J Case Rep Images Pediatr 2020;2: 100007Z19KB2020
  8. Jovanny Tsuala Fouogue, Michel Noubom, Bruno Kenfack, Norbert Tanke Dongmo, Maxime Tabeu, Linda Megozeu, Jean Marie Alima, Yannick Fogoum Fogang, Landry Charles Nyam Rim, Florent Ymele Fouelifack, Jeanne Hortence Fouedjio, Pamela Leonie Fouogue Nzogning Manebou, Clotaire Damien Bibou Ze, Brice Foubi Kouam, Lauriane Nomene Fomete, Pierre Marie Tebeu, Jean Dupont Ngowa Kemfang, Pascal Foumane, Zacharie Sando, George Enownchong Enow OrocK. Poor knowledge of COVID-19 and unfavourable perception of the response to the pandemic by healthcare workers at the Bafoussam Regional Hospital (West Region-Cameroon) PMJ Supplement article Volume 37 (1): 19. 01 Oct 2020 11604/pamj.supp.2020.37.1.25688


  1. Roxane Camail, Bruno Kenfack, Phuong Lien Tran, Manuela Viviano, Pierre-Marie Tebeu, Liliane Temogne, Mohamed Akaaboune, Eveline Tincho, Joel Mbobda, Rosa Catarino, Pierre Vassilakos, Patrick Petignat. Benefit of Watching a Live Visual Inspection of the Cervix with Acetic Acid and Lugol Iodine on Women’s Anxiety: Randomized Controlled Trial of an Educational Intervention Conducted in a Low-Resource Setting. JMIR Cancer 2019;5(1): e9798
  2. Pierre Vassilakos, Pierre-Marie Tebeu, Gregory Edie Halle-Ekane, Zacharie Sando, Bruno Kenfack, Fritz Baumann Et Patrick Petignat. Vingt années de lutte contre le cancer du col utérin en Afrique subsaharienne – Collaboration médicale entre Genève et Yaoundé. Rev Med Suisse 2019 ; 15 : 601-5
  3. Jovanny Tsuala Fouogue, Bruno Kenfack, Zacharie Sando, Pierre Watcho, Esther Ngadjui, Janet Yondo, Pierre Marie Tebeu, Pierre Vassilakos, Patrick Petignat and Pierre Siméon Choukem. Proceedings f the 9th International Congress on Cervical Cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa, March 29-30, 2018; Dschang, Cameroon. A brief Report. JCST, 2 (1): 52-56
  4. Ajong AB, Kenfack B, Ali IM, Yakum MN, Telefo PB (2019) Prevalence and correlates of low serum calcium in late pregnancy: A cross sectional study in the Nkongsamba Regional Hospital; Littoral Region of Cameroon.PLoS ONE 14(11): e0224855.
  5. Jovanny Tsuala Fouogue, Ymele Florent Fouelifack, Bruno Kenfack, Jean Marie Pellegrinelli, Jeanne Hortence Fouedjio, Patrick Petignat, Sando Zacharie Antenatal ultrasonography in Cameroon (Central Africa): a review of the past 30 years Obstet Gynecol Int J. 2019;10(5):378‒381
  6. Patrick Petignat, Bruno Kenfack (2019). Is thermal ablation a new standard for cervical pre-cancer treatment in low-income and middle-income countries? The


  1. Kenfack B, Nana Njanen T, Noubom M, Atem B, Tanekeu CA and Foumane P. Contribution of Bilateral Clamping of the Infundibulopelvic Pedicles in the Control of Hemorrhage during Myomectomy. A Case Report in a Resource-Limited Setting. EC Gynaecology 2018; 7 (12): 477-481.
  2. Rama Djouedjon Dakenyo, Bruno Kenfack, Noel Vogue, Eva Fomo Tsakoue, Maurice Ela Ebode, Samuel Nambile Cumber. Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des femmes en âge de procréer du District de Santé de la Mifi sur la prévention du cancer du col de l’utérus, Cameroun. The Pan African Medical Journal. 2018;31:172. doi:10.11604/pamj.2018.31.172.16320
  3. Michel Noubom, Darryl Gabin Kombou Tseyep, Leonard Fonkeng Sama, Elvis Chongsi Wam, Sidoine Sadjeu, Bruno Kenfack, Eric Siewe, Hubert Donfack and Christopher Bonglavnyuy Tume. Seroprevalence of Rubella IgM and IgG Antibodies and Associated Risk Factors among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at Bafoussam Regional Hospital, West Region of Cameroon. J Trop Dis 2018, 6:4 DOI: 10.4172/2329-891X.1000279
  4. Manuela Viviano, Phuong Lien Tran, Bruno Kenfack, Rosa catarino, Mohamed akaaboune, Liliane Temogne, Eveline Tincho Foguem, Pierre Vassilakos, Patrick Petignat. Self- versus physician-collected samples for the follow-up of human papillomavirus-positive women in sub-saharan Africa. International Journal of Women’s Health. International Journal of Women’s Health 2018:10 187–194.
  5. Atem Bethel Ajong* , Philip Nana Njotang, Ngholapeh Emmanuel Nghoniji , Marie José Essi , Martin Ndinakie Yakum , Valirie Ndip Agbor and Bruno Kenfack Quantification and factors associated with HIV-related stigma among persons living with HIV/AIDS on antiretroviral therapy at the HIV-day care unit of the Bamenda Regional Hospital, North West Region of Cameroon. BMC Globalization and Health (2018) 14:56
  6. Mohamed Akaaboune, Bruno Kenfack, Manuela Viviano, Liliane Temogne, Rosa Catarino, Eveline Tincho, Joel Mbobda, Phuong Lien Tran, Roxane Camail, Pierre Vassilakos and Patrick Petignat. Clearance and persistence of the human papillomavirus infection among Cameroonian women. 2018 Women s Health14(4):1745506518805642 DOI: 10.1177/1745506518805642
  7. Atem Bethel Ajong, Bruno Kenfack, Valirie Ndip Agbor, Philip Nana Njotang. Ruptured caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy: a diagnostic dilemma in a resource-limited setting. BMC Res Notes (2018) 11:292


  1. Phuong Lien Tran, Bruno Kenfack, Eveline Tincho Foguem, Manuela Viviano, Liliane Temogne, Pierre-Marie Tebeu, Rosa Catarino, Anne-Caroline Benski, Pierre Vassilakos, Patrick Petignat Efficacy of thermoablation in treating cervical precancerous lesions in a low-resource setting International Journal of Women s Health, December 2017, Dove Medical Press DOI: 10.2147/ijwh.s142911.
  2. WOMAN Trial Collaborative Group (including Bruno Kenfack). Effect of early tranexamic acid administration on mortality, hysterectomy, and other morbidities in women with post-partum haemorrhage (WOMAN): an international, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Published online April 26, 2017
  3. Henri Donald Mutarambirwa, Bruno Kenfack, and Jovanny Tsuala Fouogue. Term Abdominal Pregnancy Revealed by Amnioperitoneum in Rural Area Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 2017, Article ID 4096783, 4 pages
  4. Manuela Viviano, Bruno Kenfack, Rosa Catarino, Eveline Tincho, Liliane Temogne, Anne-Caroline Benski, Pierre-Marie Tebeu, Ulrike Meyer-Hamme, Pierre Vassilakos, Patrick Petignat. Feasibility of thermocoagulation in a screen-and-treat approach for the treatment of cervical precancerous lesions in sub-Saharan Africa Viviano et al. BMC Women’s Health (2017) 17:2 DOI 10.1186/s12905-016-0355-x
  5. Nana Njamen T, Tchente Nguefack C, Tebeu PM, Assob JCN, Kenfack B, Nsagha, Halle Ekane G, Njamen Nana C, Kouam Siegning and Belley Priso E. Factors affecting the acceptability of vasectomy in Cameroonian men: Results of a survey at the Douala General Hospital-Cameroon. African Journal of Integrated Health Vol 7: N°1; June 2017 26-29
  6. Nana Njamen T, Assob JCN, Tchente Nguefack C, Kenfack B, Nsagha7 DS, Njamen Nana C, Tolefac P, Kouam Siegning L, Fewou A, Tebeu PM, Ngowe Ngowe M and Belley Priso. Two Case Reports of Ano-Vulvar and Vulvo-Vaginal Warts in Two Young Patients. African Journal of Integrated Health 7: N°1; June 2017 P. 01-06


  1. Atem Bethel Ajong, Philip Nana Njotang, Bruno Kenfack, Martin Ndinakie Yakum and Enow Robinson Mbu. Knowledge of women in family planning and future desire to use contraception: a cross sectional survey in Urban Cameroon. BMC Res Notes (2016) :347DOI 10.1186/s13104-016-2155-7
  2. Atem Bethel Ajong, Philip Nana Njotang, Martin Ndinakie Yakum, Marie José Essi, Felix Essiben, Filbert Eko Eko, Bruno Kenfack and Enow Robinson Mbu. Determinants of unmet need for family planning among women in Urban Cameroon: a cross sectional survey in the Biyem-Assi Health District, Yaoundé. BMC Women’s Health (2016) 16:4 DOI 10.1186/s12905-016-0283-9


  1. Bruno Kenfack, Georges Nguefack-Tsague, Jerôme Ateudjeu, Gilbert A. Che, Emile T. Mboudou. Fertility after ectopic pregnancy in a district hospital in Cameroon. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics; 2015; 130: 165–168


  1. Guefack, R. Dongmo, B. Kenfack, A. Socpa. Facteurs explicatifs du recours tardif au diagnostic précoce chez les nourrissons nés des mères infectées par le VIH à Yaoundé. Journal de pédiatrie et de Puériculture 2014 ; 27 : 276-284


  1. Jérôme Ateudjieu, Bruno Kenfack, Blaise Wakam Nkontchou And Maurice Demanou. Program on immunization and cold chain monitoring: the status in eight health districts in Cameroon. BMC Research Notes 2013, 6:101 doi:10.1186/1756-0500-6-101. URL:


  1. Bruno Kenfack, Zacharie Sando, Grace Nganwa, Ambe Gilbert Che, Philip Njotan Nana, and Emile Mboudou. Cornual Molar Ectopic Pregnancy: A Case Report with Difficult management in Poor Resources Settings. African Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 1 (2012), Article ID 235649, 3 pages doi:10.4303/ajpm/235649. Available from:
  2. Nganwa Kembaou, Z. Sando, B. Kenfack, J. Tchuendem, et J. L. Essame Oyono. Tumeur à cellules granuleuses (tumeur d’Abrikossof) du clitoris. African Journal of Pathology and Microbiology Vol. 1 (2012), Article ID 235637, 2 pages. doi:10.4303/ajpm/235637. Available from:
  3. Bruno Kenfack, Michel Noubom, Adamo Bongoe, Faustin Atemkeng Tsatedem, Modeste Ngono, Georges Nguefack Tsague, Emile Mboudou. La grossesse extra-utérine dans une région semi-rurale en Afrique: Aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques à propos d’une série de 74 cas traités à l’Hôpital de District de Sangmelima au Sud-Cameroun. PAMJ 13 (2012). Available from : http://www.panafrican-med
  4. Faustin Atemkeng Tsatedem, Jean Gustave Tsiagadigui, Richard Polle Ndando, Mohamadou Saidou Arabo, Alphonse Bayiha, Bruno Kenfack. Décision d’amputation dans la prise en charge initiale d’une luxation ouverte grave de la cheville à propos d’un cas observé à l’Hôpital Laquintinie de Douala suite à un accident par moto-taxi. The Pan African Medical Journal. 2012; 13 : 73.
  5. Florent Fouelifack Ymele, Jeanne Hortence Fouedjio, Bruno Kenfack, Mandana Mehta, Robinson Enow Mbu. Pentalogy of Cantrell: A Report of One Case at the Yaoundé Central Hospital in Cameroon. J Ultrasound in Obstet Gynecol 2012;6(4):412-414.
  6. Fouedjio J, Fouelifack Ymelé F, Kenfack B, Wache Sime, N. P. Nana, S. Temkou, E. F. Eko, C. Kayo De Kayo et E. R. Mbu. Efficacité du phloroglucinol sur le raccourcissement de la phase active du travail à la maternité de l’Hôpital Central de Yaoundé, Cameroun. Clinics in Mother and Child Health 9 (2012), Article ID C120502, 3 pages. doi:10.4303/cmch/C120502. Available from:


  1. Gainer E, Kenfack B, Mboudou ET, Doh AS, Bouyer J. Menstrual bleeding patterns after Levonorgestrel emergency contraception. Contraception, 2006 ; 74: 118-24




43- Name: Jovanny TSUALA FOUOGUE

Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer

Speciality: Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Sub-speciality: Oncogynaecology and Laparoscopic surgery

Address: P.O. Box 96 Dschang, Cameroon; Phone: +237 694 59 53 77

E-mail: ;

ORCID N°: 0000-0003-0055-0902; H index (Google Scholar): 8




  1. Fouogue TJ, Noubom M, Kenfack B, DongmoTN, Tabeu M, Megozeu L et al. Poor knowledge of COVID-19 and unfavourable perception of the response to the pandemic by healthcare workers at the Bafoussam Regional Hospital (West Region-Cameroon). Pan African Medical Journal. 2020; 37(1):19. doi: 10.11604/pamj.supp.2020.37.1.25688
  2. 2. PM TebeuJSS AntaonM AdjebaF PikopJT Fouogue,Paul Ndom. Knowledge, attitudes and practices of health professionals regard to cervical cancer in Cameroon. Santé Publique. 2020; 32(5):489-496. doi: 10.3917/spub.205.0489doi: 3917/spub.205.0489.
  3. Fouogue TJ, Fetse TJ, Kenfack B, Fouedjio JH, Fouelifack YF, Nganwa KG et al. A freaky motorbike accident causing vulvar hematoma: a case report at the Bafoussam Regional Hospital, West-Cameroon. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2020; 9(3) : 1321 -1323. doi:
  4. 4. Levy J, de Preux M, Kenfack B, Sormani J, Catarino R, Tincho EF, Frund C, Fouogue JT, Vassilakos P, Petignat P. Implementing the 3T-approach for cervical cancer screening in Cameroon: Preliminary results on program performance. Cancer Med. 2020; 00:1-8.
  5. Ngowa, J., Kabeyene, A. , Ngarvounsia, R. , Atenguena, E. , Tchawe, Y. , Ngassam, A. , Nsahlai, C. , Metogo, J. , Tsuala, J. and Tebeu, P. (2020) Consultation, Diagnosis and Treatment Delays for Breast Cancer among Patients Followed up at the Yaoundé General Hospital, Cameroon. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology,10, 1580-1589. doi: 10.4236/ojog.2020.10110142.


  1. Fouogue TJ, B Kenfack, Z Sando, P Watcho, E Ngadjui, J Yondo, PM Tebeu, P Vassilakos, P Petignat, PS Choukem. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Cervical Cancer in Sub- Saharan Africa, March 29-30, 2018; Dschang – Cameroon. A Brief Report. Journal of Cancer Science & Treatment. 2019; 2(1): 52-56
  2. 7. FY Fouelifack, JH Fouedjio, F Ngowe, PM Tebeu, LD Fouelifa, JT Fouogue. Itinéraire thérapeutique des parturientes qui arrivent avec une rupture utérine à l’hôpital central de yaoundé. Health Sci. Dis. 2019; 20 (1): 39 – 45.


  1. 8. JH Fouedjio, YF Fouelifack, TJ Fouogue, LMKana, ERMb Clinical featuresofextra-uterine pregnancy in Cameroon: a review of 148 cases at the Yaounde Central Hospital. Facts Views Vis Obgyn. 2018; 10(3):165-168.
  2. 9. Fouelifack YF, Fouedjio JH, Fouogue TJ, Fouelifa DL. Seroprevalences and Correlates of Hepatitis B and C Among Cameroonian Pregnant Women. Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health. 2018; 12:1– 6. DOI: 10.1177/1179558118770671.
  3. 10. Sando Z, Fouogue JT, Ngowa Kemfang JD, FouelifackFY. A Nationwide Study of Breast Cancer Histopathology in Cameroon (Central Africa). A nationwide study of breast cancer histopathology in Cameroon (Central Africa). J Cytol Histol. 2018; 9: 503. doi:10.4172/2157-7099.1000503
  4. 11. Sando Z, Noubom M, Fouogue JT, Belinga JJA, Fouelifack Y. penile carcinoma in medical poor setings in Cameroonn: a case report. Adv Cytol Pathol. 2018; 3(4):65-66.
  5. 12. Z Sando, D Feukam, JC Eloundou, FF Angwafo III, JT Fouogue. A 15-year review of clinical and pathological aspectsof urologic cancers in two referral hospitals in Yaounde (Cameroon). Adv Cytol Pathol. 2018; 3(4):103‒106.
  6. 13. Z Sando, Nkapleweh LN, A Mbassi, Mekeme JB, Fouogue TJ, Fouelifack YF, AngwaFo III FF. Body Mass Index as a Risk Factor for Prostate Cancer and Benign Prostate Hypertrophy: A Comparative Study at Three Reference Hospitals in Cameroon. Rec Adv Path Lab Med. 2018; 4(4): 18-22.


  1. Fouogue TJ, FY Fouelifack, JH Fouedjio, R Tchounzou, Z. Sando, ET. First steps of laparoscopic surgery in a sub-Saharan African setting: a nine-month review at the Douala Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital (Cameroon). Facts Views Vis ObGyn. 2017; 9(2):105-110.
  2. Fouogue JT, R Tchounzou, FY Fouelifack, JH Fouedjio, JS Dohbit, Z Sando, ET Mboudou. Evaluation of patients’ satisfaction after laparoscopic surgery in a tertiary hospital in Cameroon (Africa). The Pan African Medical Journal. 2017; 28: 216. doi:10.11604/pamj.2017.28.216.11441
  3. HD Mutarambirwa, B Kenfack, JT Fouogue. Term Abdominal Pregnancy Revealed by Amnioperitoneum in Rural Area. Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Volume 2017, Article ID 4096783, 4 pages.
  4. 17. M Viviano, P DeBeaudrap, PM Tebeu, JT Fouogue, P Vassilakos, P Petignat. A review of screening strategies for cervical cancer in human immunodeficiency virus-positive wome in sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Women’s Health. 2017; 9: 69-79.
  5. 18. FY Fouelifack, F Essiben, LT Kemadjou, JH Fouedjio, JT Fouogue, RE Mbu. Risk factors of genital tract lacerations at Yaounde Central Hospital -Cameroon: a case control study. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. 2017; 20(2): 1-8
  6. Sando Z, Bissa C, Pache JC, Sandjong IDT, Fouogue JT, Fouelifack YF, Essame JLO. Etude Histopathologique des Cols Utérins Présentant des Atypies Malpighiennes et Glandulaires de Signification Indéterminée (ASC-US, AGUS) Sur Frottis Conventionnels. Afr J Pathol and Microbiol. 2017; 6(2): 236000.


  1. JT Fouogue, Z Sando, FY Fouelifack, PM Tebeu, JT Kamgaing, JH Fouedjio, P Vassilakos, P Petignat. Report of the 7th international workshop on colposcopy, screening and prevention of cervical cancer, Douala (Cameroon), March 30 – 31 and April 1st 2016. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2016; 5: 3269-3274.
  2. PM Tebeu, RGM Ekono, JT Fouogue, GE Halle, JD Fokom, Charles H Rochat. Pattern of non-obstetric infectious recto-vaginal fistula: a case series and literature review in Cameroon (Central Africa). Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2016; 5(7): 2239-2242.
  3. 22. Z Sando, JA Lobrinus, JT Fouogue, JN Pambe, YF Fouelifack, JL Essame Oyono. Corticosurrénalome malin: à propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature. Revue Africaine de Pathologie. 2016; 15(2): 38 – 42.
  4. 23. Fouedjio JH, Nkigoum NA, Fouogue TJ, Fouelifack YF, Mbu R. Connaissances, Attitudes et Pratiques de la Prévention de la Transmission de la Mère à l’Enfant du VIH par les Prestataires des Salles D’accouchement des Hôpitaux de District et des Centres Médicaux d’Arrondissement de la Ville de Yaoundé. Health Sci. Dis. 2016; 17(4): 47 -52.
  5. 24. PN Nana, JT Fouogue, A Esiene, I Tompeen, F EkoEko, YF Fouelifack, JH Fouedjio, FEssiben, RE Mbu. Non-puerperal uterine inversion complicating the twisting of a prolapsed fundal submucous fibroid: a case report in yaoundé, Cameroon. International Journal Of Advances In Case Reports. 2016; 3(3):110-113.
  6. JH Fouedjio, P Foumane, JT Fouogue, VJ Mboua Ndenga, YF Fouelifack, A Esiene à Bissene,
  7. PN Nana, LD Fouelifa, RE Mbu, ET Mboudou. Predictors of eclampsia among preeclamptic patients: a case – control study in Yaounde (Cameroon). Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2016; 5(7): 2204-2209. doi:10.18203/2320-1770.ijrcog20162094
  8. Fouedjio JH, Ngo Dingom MA, Fouelifack YF, Fouogue TJ. Clinical and therapeutic aspects of uterine rupture in two university hospitals of Yaounde. Health Sci. Dis. 2016; 17 (3): 36 – 40.
  9. Fouedjio JH, Fouelifack FY, Fouogue JT, Ngoufack G, Fouelifa LD, et al. Maternal and Foetal Outcomes of Pregnancy with Homozygous Sickle Cell Disease: A Case – Control Study at the Yaounde Central Hospital, Cameroon. Women Health Int. 2016; 2(1): 113.
  10. Fouelifack YF, Ohanda PBA, Fouedjio JH, Fouogue JT, Fouelifa DL, Mbu ER. Accuracy of ultrasounds in the diagnosis of placenta praevia by non-radiologists in Cameroon. Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2016; 10(4):403-408.


  1. Kemfang NJD, Ngassam A, Fouogue TJ, Metogo J, SandoZ, Kabeyene A, Kasia JM. Managementof Cervical Intra Epithelial Neoplasia by Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure in a Low Resource Country: An Experience from the Yaoundé General Hospital, Cameroon. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2015; 5: 481-486. http:// dx.doi. org/ 10.4236/ ojog. 2015. 59070.
  2. JDN Kemfang, A Ngassam, E Ngo Um Meka, JT Fouogue, JC Tagne, Z Sando, JTN Mendounga, JM Kasia. Cervical cancer screening by visual inspection of the cervix after application of acetic acid (VIA) in Yaoundé, Cameroon. Health Sci. Dis. 2015, 16 (4): 5 P
  3. Z Sando, JC Pache, YF Fouelifack, P Foumane, ET Mboudou, JH Fouedjio, JT Fouogue, JLO Essame. Cytopathological aspects of breast discharge in women without palpable breast mass in yaounde, Camer Recent Advances in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2015; 1(1): 12-16
  4. Sando Z, Fouelifack YF, Fouogue TJ, Fouedjio JH, Essame Oyono JL. Trends in breast and cervical cancer incidence in Cameroon (Central Africa) from 2004 2011. African Journal of Cancer. 2015; 7(2): DOI 10.1007/s12558-015-0378-5
  5. Nana NP, Fouogue TJ,Fouelifack FY, Fouedjio JH, Essiben F, Eko FE, Mbu RE. Misdiagnosed Ante-Partum Appendicitis Discovered At Laparotomy For Peritonitis: A Case Report And Literature Review In Yaounde, Cameroon. International Journal Of Advances In Case Reports, 2015; 2(20):1224-1226.
  6. Kemfang NJD, Ngassam A, Fouogue TJ, Metogo J, Medou A, Kasia JM. Complications maternelles précoces de la césarienne: à propos de 460 cas dans deux hôpitaux universitaires de Yaoundé, Camero The Pan AfricanMedical Journal. 2015;21:265. doi: 10.11604/pamj. 2015.21.265.696.
  7. Kemfang JD, Bommo LF, Domgue JF, Ngassam A, Noa CC, Fouogue TJ, Fongang E, Kasia JM. Connaissances, Attitudes et Pratiques des Professionnels de la Santé sur le Cancer du Sein à l’Hôpital Général de Yaoundé, Cameroun. Health Sci Dis. 2015; 16(3).
  8. Fouelifack YF, Fouedjio JH, FouogueTJ, Fouelifa DL, Dongmo NDF, Mbu ER. Fetal Outcome of Deliveries among Teenagers in Centre Region of Cameroon. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research. 2015; 7(2):161-168. ISSN: 2231-0614. DOI:10.9734/BJMMR/2015/15704.
  9. JH Fouedjio, JMM Toungou, FY Fouelifack, JT Fouogue, F Essiben, PN Njotang, RE Mbu. Factors associated with perineal tear at the maternity of the Yaounde Central Hospital, Cameroon. Health Sci. Dis. 2015; 16 (4). 5 P.
  10. Fouedjio JH, Fouogue TJ, Fouelifack YF, Mout NM, Fouelifa DL, Sando Z. Knowledge, attitudes and perceived barriers to emergency contraception among health staff in a tertiary Hospital in Yaounde, Cameroon. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2015; 4(6): 2014-2021.
  11. Kemfang NJD, Kasia J, Nkongo V, Ngassam A, Fouogue TJ, Nsem AP, Medou A. Contribution of Laparoscopy in the Management of Female Infertility in Low Resource Countries: A Review of 208 Cases at the Yaoundé General Hospital, Cameroon. International Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2015; 6: 934-939.
  12. YF Fouelifack, JH Fouedjio, JT Fouogue, Z Sando, LD Fouelifa, RE Mbu. Associations of body mass index and gestational weight gain with term pregnancy outcomes in urban Cameroon: a retrospective cohort study in a tertiary Hospital. BMC Res Notes. (2015) 8:806 DOI 10.1186/s13104-015-1765-9.
  13. Fouedjio JH, Fouelifack YF, Fouogue TJ, Tetka TT. Associations between the Grade of Placental Maturity at Third Trimester Ultrasound and Materno-fetal Outcomes at the Maternity of the Yaoundé Central Hospital: A Prospective Cohort Study. Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2015; 9(3):230-233.


  1. YF Fouelifack, JT Fouogue, JH Fouedjio, Z Sando, RE Mbu. Hématome vulvaire massif du post-partum: à propos d’un cas à l’Hôpital Central de Yaoundé (Cameroun). Pan African Medical Journal. 2014; 19: 167.
  2. Z Sando, JT Fouogue, YF Fouelifack, JH Fouedjio, ET Mboudou, JLO Essame. Profil des cancers gynécologiques et mammaires à Yaoundé – Cameroun. The PanAfrican Medical Journal. 2014;17:28 doi:10.11604/pamj.2014.17.28.3447.
  3. JH Fouedjio, JT Fouogue, YF Fouélifack, C Nangue, Z Sando, RE Mbu. Torsion d’annexe en cours de grossesse : à propos d’un cas à l’Hôpital Central de Yaoundé, Cameroun. The Pan African Medical Journal. 2014;17:39
  4. YF Fouelifack, JT Fouogue, JO Messi, DT Kamga, JH Fouedjio, Z Sando. Spontaneous second-trimester ruptured pregnancy of rudimentary horn: a case report in Yaounde, Cameroon. The Pan African Medical Journal. 2014;18:86.
  5. Fouelifack YF, Tameh YT, Mbong NE, Nana NP, Fouedjio JH, Fouogue JT, Mbu ER. Outcome of deliveries among adolescent girls at the Yaounde central hospital. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2014 ; 14:102. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2393-14-102.
  6. YF Fouelifack, JH Fouedjio, MAN Dingom, JT Fouogue, RE Mbu. Découverte fortuite de quadruplets au cours d’un accouchement : illustration d’un cas à l’Hôpital Central de Yaoundé (Cameroun). The Pan African Medical Journal. 2014; 18:196. doi:10.11604/pamj.2014.18.196.4819.
  7. Z Sando, YF Fouelifack, JT Fouogue, JH Fouedjio, YSN Ndeby, F Djomou, A Fewou, JLO Essame. Etude histopathologique des adénopathies cervicales à Yaoundé (Cameroun). Pan Afr Med J.2014; 19: 185. DOI : 11604/pamj.2014.19.185.4302
  8. YF Fouelifack, JT Fouogue, JH Fouedjio, Z Sando. Viable abdominal pregnancy: a case report in Yaoundé (Cameroon). Pan Afr Med J.2014; 18: 181. doi: 11604/pamj.2014.18.181.4294


  1. FY Fouelifack, JT Fouogue, JH Fouedjio, Z Sando. A case of abdominal textiloma following gynecologic surgery at the Yaounde Central Hospital, Cameroon. The Pan African Medical Journal. 2013; 16:147 doi:10.11604 /pamj.2013.16.147.3201
  2. JH Fouedjio, YF Fouelifack, JT Fouogue, Z Sando. Ruptured heterotopic pregnancy in a natural conception cycle: a case report at the Yaounde central Hospital (Cameroon). The Pan African Medical Journal. 2013; 16: 106. doi:10.11604/pamj.2013.16.106.3506
  3. Ymele FF, Fouogue TJ, Fouedjio JH, Nangué C, De Kayo CK, Dobgima PW, Mbu RE. A rare complication of uterine leiomyomas: massive hemoperitoneum secondary to ruptured varices. Pan Afr Med J. 2013; 14:110. doi: 10.11604 /pamj. 2013.14.110.2471.
  4. YF Fouelifack, JT Fouogue, JH Fouedjio, Z Sando. Ovarian pregnancy: a case report in a resource-poor setting. The Pan African Medical Journal. 2013;16: 143; doi:10.11604/pamj.2013.16.143.3505
  5. Sando Z, Fouogue TJ, Fouelifack YF, Mbela MS, Mboudou ET. Indications et aspects histopathologiques des biopsies de l’endomètre à l’Hôpital Gynéco – Obstétrique et Pédiatrique de Yaoundé (Cameroun). African Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. 2013; vol2. doi: 10.4303/ajpm/235694.
  6. Z Sando, YF Fouelifack, JT Fouogue, JH Fouedjio, CE Anoudem, C Nangue. Carcinosarcoma of the corpus uteri (Malignant Müllerian Mixed Tumor): a case report in Yaoundé (Cameroon).The Pan African Medical Journal. 2013; 16:145. doi:10.11604/pamj.2013.16.145.3497


  1. Fouogue TJ, Fouélifack YF, Sando Z, Mboudou ET, Doh AS. Grossesse Môlaire et Difficultés de Prise en Charge en Milieu Rural : Illustration d’un Cas Clinique à l’Hôpital de District de Bogo (Extrême-Nord Cameroun). Clinics in Mother and Child Health. 8 (2011), Article ID C110804, 4 pages doi:10.4303/cmch/C110804


  1. Sando Z, Mboudou E, Fouogue TJ, Nganwa G, Tchuendem J, Essame JL, Doh AS, Genton CY. Profil clinique et anatomopathologique des cancers de l’ovaire à Yaoundé, Cameroun. Clin mother Child Health. 2010; 7(1): 1183 – 88.

            BOOK CHAPTER



Département de Pédiatrie, Santé de l’Enfant et de l’Adolescent

44- Name: Dominique ENYAMA

Academic Rank: Assistant lecturer

Speciality: Paediatrics

Sub-speciality: child neurology

Address: P.O. Box 96 Dschang, Cameroon; Phone: +237 698 85 88 99


ORCID iD: ; H index (Google Scholar):




  1. Kedy Koum, D., Penda, C.I., Endale, L.M., Essome, H., Moukongo, C.M., Kojom Foko, L.P., Okalla Ebongue, C., Noukeu, D., Enyama, D., Eposse, C., Rhita, M., Eboumbou, P.E., Mboudou, E.T. and Koki Ndombo, P. (2021) Paediatric Mortality: Aetiologies and Predictors among Children Aged 1 Month to 15 Years in a Tertiary Hospital in Douala, Cameroon. Open Journal of Pediatrics, 11, 360-378.
  2. Kemta Lekpa F, Enyama D, Noukeu Njinkui D, Ngongang Chiedjio A, Simeni Njonnou SR, Ngongang Ouankou C, Namme Luma H, Choukem SP. Prevalence and factors associated with low back pain in schoolchildren in Cameroon, sub-Saharan Africa. Int J Rheum Dis. 2021 Jul 8. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.14172. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34235853.
  3. Sylvain Raoul Simeni Njonnou, Fernando Kemta Lekpa, Eric Balti Vounsia, Jaures Arnaud Noumedem Kenfack, Christian Ngongang Ouankou, Diomede Noukeu Njinkui, Dominique Enyama, Michel Noubom, Simeon Pierre Choukem. Is it time to move to systematic antithrombotic prophylaxis or therapy for all patients with COVID-19 disease? Pan African Medical Journal. 2021; 39:127. [doi: 10.11604/pamj.2021.39.127.29437].
  4. Yolande, D.P.F., Tufong, K.A., Jules, T.M., Mayah, A.P., Charlotte, E.E., Njinkui, D.N., Enyama, D., Selangai, H.K. and Siysi, V.V. (2021) Osteomyelitis in Children with Sickle Cell Disease: A Challenging Diagnosis: Case Report from Cameroon. Open Journal of Pediatrics, 11, 208-214.
  5. Dominique Enyama, Diomède Noukeu Njinkui, Jeanne Mayouego Kouam, Christian Eyoum, Danièle Christiane Kedy Koum, Séraphin Nguefack. COVID-19 pandemic global impact on children´s health in Cameroon. Pan African Medical Journal. 2021; 39:5. [doi: 10.11604/pamj.2021.39.5.24304].
  6. Chelo D, Nguefack F, Enyama D, Nansseu R, Feudjo Tefoueyet G, Mbassi Awa HD, Mekone Nkwelle I, Nguefack-Tsague G, Ndenbe P, Koki Ndombo PO. Impact and projections of the COVID-19 epidemic on attendance and routine vaccinations at a pediatric referral hospital in Cameroon. Arch Pediatr. 2021 Jun 9:S0929-693X(21)00115-9. doi: 10.1016/j.arcped.2021.05.006. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34140219; PMCID: PMC8188383.
  7. Enyama D, Ngo Kana C A, Mayouego Kouam J, Noukeu Njinkui D, Kemta Lekpa F, Mbonda P C, Kedy D C, Mbonda E, Nguefack S. Ataxia-Telangiectasia in Cameroonian Children. Pediatr Oncall J. 2021 Apr 19. doi: 10.7199/ped.oncall.2021.25.


  1. Kedy Koum DC, Noukeu D, Endale LM, Noufack DN, Essome H, Enyama D, Kojom Foko LP, Okalla Ebongue C, Penda CI, Koki Ndombo P. Neonatal asphyxia in two reference hospitals of Douala, Cameroon: epidemiology, clinical patterns, and mortality predictors. Afr J Integ Health. 2020;10(02):07-17
  2. Enyama, D. , Njinkui, D. , Rakya, I. , Tamchom, D. , Nenzeko, R. , Tchogna, C. , Bissa, M. , Tcheuffa, S. , Kamdem, D. , Ngalame, A. , Neng, H. , Mwadjie, D. , Eteme, N. , Lekpa, F. , Njonnou, S. , Choukem, S. , Ngaba, G. and Mboudou, E. (2020) The Clinical Features and Outcomes of Four Neonates Born to Mothers with a Severe Form of COVID-19 and a Positive RT-PCR for SARS Co-V2 in Douala Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital in Cameroon.Open Journal of Pediatrics, 10, 642-651.
  3. Enyama D, Chelo D, Noukeu Njinkui D, Mayouego Kouam J, Fokam Djike Puepi Y, Mekone Nkwele I, Ndenbe P, Nguefack S, Nguefack F, Kedy Koum D, Tetanye E. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pediatricians’ clinical activity in Cameroon. Arch Pediatr. 2020 Nov; 27(8):423-427. doi: 10.1016/j.arcped.2020.09.004. Epub 2020 Sep 23. PMID: 33011025; PMCID: PMC7510582
  4. Chelo D, Mekone Nkwelle I, Nguefack F, Mbassi Awa HD, Enyama D, Nguefack S, Noukeu Njinkui D, Tony Nengom J, Nguefack-Tsague G, Koki Ndombo PO. Decrease in Hospitalizations and Increase in Deaths during the Covid-19 Epidemic in a Pediatric Hospital, Yaounde-Cameroon and Prediction for the Coming Months. Fetal Pediatr Pathol. 2020 Oct 20:1-14. doi: 10.1080/15513815.2020.1831664. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33078968.
  5. Ngalame, A.N., Neng, H.T., Inna, R., Djomo, D.T., Kamdem, D.E.M., Moustapha, B., Batta, J.N., Noukeu, D.N., Enyama, D., Tiokeng, R., Onana, Y., Moumbe, Y., Zanga, M., Ndongo, J.F., Kamga, A., Tchounzou, R., Keumayou, U., Chingnabo, L., Djiallati, T., Passoret, E., Ramadji, E.T., Ebimbe, J.B., Eloumou, S.A.F.B., Mwadjie, D.W., Ngaba, G.P. and Mboudou, E.T. (2020) Materno-Fetal Outcomes of COVID-19 Infected Pregnant Women Managed at the Douala Gyneco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital—Cameroon. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 10, 1279-1294.
  6. Noukeu Njinkui D, Enyama D, Nguefack S. Syndrome de Bartter chez un nourrisson de quatre mois. J Afr Pediatr Genet Med 2020, 11, 40-43.
  7. Nguefack, S., Ananfack, E.G., Mah, E., Kago, D., Tatah, S., Yolande, F.P., Enyama, D., Noukeu, D., Chiabi, A. and Nguefack, F.D. (2020) Psychomotor Development of Children Born Premature at the Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital (Cameroon). Open Journal of Pediatrics, 10, 147-158.
  8. Mbongo’o G Calvin, Mbole Jeanne, Basseguin Atchou Jonas Guy, Nko’o Amvene Michael Robert, Enyama Dominique, Menguene Laure, Ntone Enyime Félicien, Mendimi Nkodo Joseph Marie, Kamga Olen Jean Pierre, Noukeu Njinkui Diomède, Choukem Simon Pierre, Essi Marie José, Nko’o Amvene Samue. Deuil et Infection à COVID-19 : à Propos d’un Cas dans un Centre de Crise de Yaoundé. Health Sci. Dis: Vol 21 (9) September 2020 pp 100-103.


  1. Kedy Koum D, Ebongue Okalla C, Penda CI, Noukeu D, Tagne LS, Enyama D, Kouemo FD, Kojom LP, Ngaba GP, Mah E, Chiabi A, Adiogo D, Wiyeh A, Monebenimp F. Microbiological profile of umbilical and peripherally inserted central catheters related infections and predictors of mortality in Neonatology at the Gyneco-Obstetrics and Paediatric Hospital of Douala, Cameroon: J. of Integ. Health 2019, 09 (01a): 21-32.
  2. Kedy Koum DC, Noukeu Njinkui D, Enyama D, Tagne LS, Penda CI, Kouemo FD, Kojom LP, Wiyeh AB, Mah E, Chiabi C, Koki Ndombo PO, Pfister R. Respiratory distress and predictors of mortality among term newborns hospitalised at a reference hospital in Douala, Cameroon: J. of Integ. Health 2019, 09 (01b): 132-142


  1. Enyama D, Ebana Mvogo S, Meguieze CA, Noukeu D, Kedy D, Mbonda E. Locked-In Syndrome révélant une tumeur du tronc cérébral chez une fillette de 10 ans. Health Sci. Dis : Vol 18 (2) Suppl 1 June 2017.
  2. Ebana Mvogo S, Enyama D, Dohvoma A C, Noukeu Njikui D, Meguieze CA, Kedy Koum D, Ebana Mvogo C. Hypertension intracrânienne idiopathique de l’enfant : à propos d’un cas. Health Sci. Dis: Vol 18 (2) Suppl 1 June 2017.
  3. Ebana Mvogo S, Dohvoma A C, Enyama D, Atipo-Tsiba WP, Meguieze CA, Noukeu Njikui D, Ebana Mvogo C. Paralysie isolée du VI révélant une tumeur du tronc cérébral chez un enfant : à propos d’un cas. Health Sci. Dis: Vol 18 (2) Suppl 1 June 2017.
  4. Noukeu Njikui D, Ebana SR, Enyama D, Meguieze CA, Kedy Koum D. Efficacité du propanolol dans l’hémangiome sous palpébral chez un nourrisson de 4 mois. Health Sci. Dis : Vol 18 (2) Suppl 1 June 2017.


  1. Ebana Mvogo S, Enyama D, Dohvoma A C, Ebana Mvogo C. La sclérocornée congénitale bilatérale : à propos d’un cas. Health Sci. Dis: (3) july – August – September 2016.
  2. Nguefack, H. Mbassi Awa, M. Kambou Kouam, A. Chiabi, E. Mah, D. Chelo, D. Enyama, P. Koki Ndombo, E. Mbonda. Etiologies et évolution à court terme de l’état de mal convulsif inaugural du nourrisson et de l’enfant dans deux hôpitaux universitaires de Yaoundé (Cameroun). Health Sci. Dis: Vol 17 (1) January-February-March 2016.


  1. Mayouego Kouam, E. Epée, S. Azria, D. Enyama, A. Omgbwa Eballe, C. Ebana Mvogo, M. Cherifi. Aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques des traumatismes oculaires de l’enfant dans un service d’urgences ophtalmologiques en Ile-de-France. Journal Français d’Ophtalmologie (2015) 38, 743-757.
  2. Séraphin Nguefack, Anderson Ngouo Tchiffo, Andréas Chiabi, Evelyn Mah, Jacob Enoh, Boniface Moifo Dominique Enyama, Elie Mbonda. Aspects Cliniques et Étiologiques des Infirmités Motrices Cérébrales chez l’Enfant À Yaoundé : À Propos De 134 Cas à l’Hôpital Gynéco-Obstétrique et Pédiatrique de Yaoundé (Cameroun). Health Sci. Dis: Vol 16 (1) January – February – March 2015.


  1. Séraphin Nguefack, Dominique Enyama, Andreas Chiabi, Victor Sini, Evelyn Mah, Jean Baptiste Bogne, Paul Cédric Mbonda, Elie Mbonda. Anomalies de l’électro-encéphalogramme en neurologie pédiatrique: à propos de 500 enregistrements à l’Hôpital Gynéco-Obstétrique et Pédiatrique de Yaoundé (Cameroun).The Pan African Medical Journal. 2013; 15: 63.


  1. Dominique Enyama, Hélène Maurey. Anomalies de développement du manteau cortical. Médecine et Enfance. Vol 32 (4) 2012 ; 155 – 160.
  2. Mina Ntoto Njiki Kinkela, Félicitée Nguefack, Hubert Mbassi Awa, David Chelo, Dominique Enyama, Mbollo Marie Kobela, Paul Olivier Koki Ndombo. Le tétanos chez le grand enfant dans un hôpital pédiatrique à Yaoundé, Cameroun. The Pan African Medical Journal. 2012; 11:37


  1. Enyama D., Mah E., Nguefack S., Chiabi A., Tchokoteu P.-F. Profil bactériologique et de sensibilité dans les septicémies néonatales à l’Hôpital Gynéco-Obstétrique et Pédiatrique de Yaoundé, Cameroun. Med. Afr 2010; 2(1): 163-166.


  1. Lawrence C.E. Mbuagbaw, Patrick Mbah Okwen, Dominique Enyama. Preconception Care In Cameroon: Where Are We? The Internet Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Volume 8 Number 2. The Internet Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics TMISSN: 1528-8439.


45- Name: Diomède NOUKEU NJINKUI

Academic Rank: Assistant lecturer

Speciality: Paediatrics

Sub-speciality: neonatology

Address: P.O. Box 96 Dschang, Cameroon; Phone: +237 695 24 00 44


ORCID N°: 0000-0003-3640-6873; H index (Google Scholar): 12




  1. Kemta Lekpa F, Enyama D, Noukeu Njinkui D, Ngongang Chiedjio A, Simeni Njonnou SR, Ngongang Ouankou C, Namme Luma H, Choukem SP. Prevalence and factors associated with low back pain in schoolchildren in Cameroon, sub-Saharan Africa. Int J Rheum Dis. 2021 Jul 8. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.14172. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34235853.
  2. Sylvain Raoul Simeni Njonnou, Fernando Kemta Lekpa, Eric Balti Vounsia, Jaures Arnaud Noumedem Kenfack, Christian Ngongang Ouankou, Diomede Noukeu Njinkui, Dominique Enyama, Michel Noubom, Simeon Pierre Choukem. Is it time to move to systematic antithrombotic prophylaxis or therapy for all patients with COVID-19 disease? Pan African Medical Journal. 2021; 39:127. [doi: 10.11604/pamj.2021.39.127.29437].
  3. Yolande, D.P.F., Tufong, K.A., Jules, T.M., Mayah, A.P., Charlotte, E.E., Njinkui, D.N., Enyama, D., Selangai, H.K. and Siysi, V.V. (2021) Osteomyelitis in Children with Sickle Cell Disease: A Challenging Diagnosis: Case Report from Cameroon. Open Journal of Pediatrics, 11, 208-214.
  4. Dominique Enyama, Diomède Noukeu Njinkui, Jeanne Mayouego Kouam, Christian Eyoum, Danièle Christiane Kedy Koum, Séraphin Nguefack. COVID-19 pandemic global impact on children´s health in Cameroon. Pan African Medical Journal. 2021; 39:5. [doi: 10.11604/pamj.2021.39.5.24304].
  5. Enyama D, Ngo Kana C A, Mayouego Kouam J, Noukeu Njinkui D, Kemta Lekpa F, Mbonda P C, Kedy D C, Mbonda E, Nguefack S. Ataxia-Telangiectasia in Cameroonian Children. Pediatr Oncall J. 2021 Apr 19. doi: 10.7199/ped.oncall.2021.25.


  1. Kamdem, F., Noukeu, D., Jingi, A. M., Afane Elono, E., Barla, E., Akazong, C., Nemwa Tchiegang, L., Mouto, R., Megne Boudjeka, P., Eloumou Bissassa, P., Mouliom, S., & Kingue, S. (2020). Profil Échocardiographique des Cardiopathies Congénitales chez les Nouveau- Nés et les Nourrissons à Douala. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE, 21(2). Retrieved from
  2. Kedy Koum DC, Noukeu D, Endale LM, Noufack DN, Essome H, Enyama D, Kojom Foko LP, Okalla Ebongue C, Penda CI, Koki Ndombo P. Neonatal asphyxia in two reference hospitals of Douala, Cameroon: epidemiology, clinical patterns, and mortality predictors. J. Of Integ. Health. 2020;10(02):07-17
  3. Domngang C, Nanfack Ngoune C, Noukeu D, Mvilongo C, Kagmeni G. Profile of oculo-palpebral surgery performed on pediatric patients in a hospital setting in nkongsamba. Cameroon: J. Of Integ. Health. 2020; 10 (01): 09-13
  4. Noukeu Njinkui D, Enyama D, Nguefack S. Syndrome de Bartter chez un nourrisson de quatre mois. J Afr Pediatr Genet Med 2020, 11, 40-43.
  5. Ngalame, A.N., Neng, H.T., Inna, R., Djomo, D.T., Kamdem, D.E.M., Moustapha, B., Batta, J.N., Noukeu, D.N., Enyama, D., Tiokeng, R., Onana, Y., Moumbe, Y., Zanga, M., Ndongo, J.F., Kamga, A., Tchounzou, R., Keumayou, U., Chingnabo, L., Djiallati, T., Passoret, E., Ramadji, E.T., Ebimbe, J.B., Eloumou, S.A.F.B., Mwadjie, D.W., Ngaba, G.P. and Mboudou, E.T. (2020) Materno-Fetal Outcomes of COVID-19 Infected Pregnant Women Managed at the Douala Gyneco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital—Cameroon. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 10, 1279-1294.
  6. Chelo D, Mekone Nkwelle I, Nguefack F, Mbassi Awa HD, Enyama D, Nguefack S, Noukeu Njinkui D, Tony Nengom J, Nguefack-Tsague G, Koki Ndombo PO. Decrease in Hospitalizations and Increase in Deaths during the Covid-19 Epidemic in a Pediatric Hospital, Yaounde-Cameroon and Prediction for the Coming Months. Fetal Pediatr Pathol. 2020 Oct 20:1-14. doi: 10.1080/15513815.2020.1831664. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33078968.
  7. Enyama D, Chelo D, Noukeu Njinkui D, Mayouego Kouam J, Fokam Djike Puepi Y, Mekone Nkwele I, Ndenbe P, Nguefack S, Nguefack F, Kedy Koum D, Tetanye E. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pediatricians’ clinical activity in Cameroon. Arch Pediatr. 2020 Nov;27(8):423-427. doi: 10.1016/j.arcped.2020.09.004. Epub 2020 Sep 23. PMID: 33011025; PMCID: PMC7510582.
  8. Enyama, D. , Njinkui, D. , Rakya, I. , Tamchom, D. , Nenzeko, R. , Tchogna, C. , Bissa, M. , Tcheuffa, S. , Kamdem, D. , Ngalame, A. , Neng, H. , Mwadjie, D. , Eteme, N. , Lekpa, F. , Njonnou, S. , Choukem, S. , Ngaba, G. and Mboudou, E. (2020) The Clinical Features and Outcomes of Four Neonates Born to Mothers with a Severe Form of COVID-19 and a Positive RT-PCR for SARS Co-V2 in Douala Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital in Cameroon. Open Journal of Pediatrics, 10, 642-651. doi: 4236/ojped.2020.104066.


  1. Kedy Koum, Noukeu Njinkui D, Enyama D, Tagne LS. Respiratory distress and predictors of mortality among term newborns hospitalised at a reference hospital in Douala, Cameroon. J. of Integ. Health. 2019, 09 (01b): 132-142
  2. Nguefack, S., Ananfack, E.G., Mah, E., Kago, D., Tatah, S., Yolande, F.P., Enyama, D., Noukeu, D., Chiabi, A. and Nguefack, F.D. (2020) Psychomotor Development of Children Born Premature at the Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital (Cameroon). Open Journal of Pediatrics, 10, 147-158.
  3. Kedy Koum D, Ebongue Okalla C, Penda Ci, Noukeu D, Tagne Ls, Enyama D, Kouemo Fd, Kojom Lp, Ngaba Gp Mah E, Chiabi A, Adiogo D, , Wiyeh A, Monebenimp F. Microbiological Profile Of Umbilical And Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters Related Infections And Predictors Of Mortality In Neonatology At The Gyneco-Obstetrics And Paediatric Hospital Of Douala, Cameroon. J. Of Integ. Health. 2019,9 (1 A): 21-32
  4. Kedy Koum Dc, Noukeu Njinkui D, Enyama D, Tagne Ls, Penda Ci, Kouemo Fd, Kojom Lp, Wiyeh Ab, Mah E, Chiabi C, Koki Ndombo Po, And Pfister R. Respiratory Distress And Predictors Of Mortality Among Term Newborns Hospitalised At A Reference Hospital In Douala, Cameroon: J. Of Integ. Health. 2019,9 (1 B): 132-142


  1. Ebana Mvogo, S. R., Dohvoma, A. V., Noukeu Njinkui, D., Epee, E., & Ebana Mvogo, C. (2018). Cataracte Post-Traumatique après Punition par Bastonnade en Milieu Scolaire chez un Enfant: À Propos d’un Cas. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE,19(4 S 1). Retrieved from
  2. Noukeu, N., Ebana, S., Enyama, D., Meguieze, C., & Kedy Koum, D. (2017). Efficacité du Propanolol dans l’Hémangiome Sous Palpébral chez un Nourrisson de 4 Mois. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE18(2 Suppl). Retrieved from
  3. Kamdem F, Kedy Koum D, Hamadou B, Yemdji M, Luma H, Doualla MS, Noukeu D, Barla E, Akazong C, Dzudie A, Ngote H, Monkam Y, Mouliom S, Kingue S. Clinical, echocardiographic, and therapeutic aspects of congenital heart diseases of children at Douala General Hospital: A cross-sectional study in sub-Saharan Africa. Congenit Heart Dis. 2018 Jan;13(1):113-117. doi: 10.1111/chd.12529. Epub 2017 Sep 4. PMID: 28871660.
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Département de Radiologie, Biophysique et Imagerie Médicale

46-Name: Moulion Tapouh Jean Roger

Academic Rank: Assistant

Speciality: Radiology

Sub-speciality: Digestive and Abdominal Imaging

Address: P.O. Box 96 Dschang, Cameroon; Phone: +237 677395358


ORCID N°: 0000-0001-6570-3661;




  1. Mbakop RNS, Kowo* MP, Andoulo FA, Ndam AWN, Tapouh JRM, Amougou JCM, et al. APRI Score and Conventional Liver Ultrasonography Accurately Evaluate Liver Fibrosis in Hepatitis C Patients in an African Hospital Setting. Acta Sci Gastrointest Disord. 2021 Mar 19;4(2):03–5.


  1. Nko’o Amvene Samuel, Mbole Jeanne, Mbo A Jérémie, Nko’o Amvene Michael Robert, Moulion Tapouh Jean Roger, Mbongo’o G Calvin, Foumane Pascal, Okomo Marie Claire. Le Coronavirus (COVID-19) : Mise au Point pour les Personnels de Santé en Afrique. Health Sci. Dis: Vol 21 (5) May 2020 p 1-6.
  2. Moulion Tapouh JR, Pierre KM, Laure MSRE, Tambe J, Claude MAJ, Roger NDG, et al. Conformité du compte-rendu d’échographie abdominale pour l’exploration de la cirrhose hépatique dans trois hôpitaux universitaires de Yaoundé (Cameroun). J Afr Imag Médicale J En Ligne En Version Pap – Print Online Open J [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2021 Jun 28]; 12(4). Available from:
  3. Makohliso S, Klaiber B, Sahli R, Tapouh JRM, Amvene SN, Stoll B, et al. Medical technology innovation for a sustainable impact in Low- and Middle-Income countries: a holistic approach. [Internet]. engrXiv; 2020 [cited 2021 Jun 27]. Available from:
  4. Moifo Boniface, Moulion Tapouh Jean Roger, Magny Tiam Éric, Joshua Tambe, Tagni Sartre Michel, Tagni Zukam David. Gestion de l’épidémie à covid-19 : retour d’expérience dans un centre d’imagerie médicale en Afrique Subsaharienne (Yaoundé, Cameroun). JAIM 2020;12(3).


  1. Moifo B, Tene U, Moulion Tapouh JR, Samba Ngano O, Tchemtchoua Youta J, Simo A, et al. Knowledge on Irradiation, Medical Imaging Prescriptions, and Clinical Imaging Referral Guidelines among Physicians in a Sub-Saharan African Country (Cameroon). Radiol Res Pract. 2017 May 23;2017:e1245236.
  2. Moifo B, Moulion Tapouh JR, Dongmo Fomekong S, Djomou F, Manka’a Wankie E. Ultrasonographic prevalence and characteristics of non-palpable thyroid incidentalomas in a hospital-based population in a sub-Saharan country. BMC Med Imaging. 2017; 17:21.
  3. Moifo B, Tapouh JRM, Guena MN, Ndah TN, Samba RN, Simo A. Diagnostic Reference Levels of Adults CT-Scan Imaging in Cameroon: A Pilot Study of Four Commonest CT-Protocols in Five Radiology Departments. Open J Med Imaging. 2017;07:1–8.
  4. Guifo ML, Tochie JN, Oumarou BN, Tapouh JRM, bang AG, Ndoumbe A, et al. Paediatric fractures in a sub-saharan tertiary care center: a cohort analysis of demographic characteristics, clinical presentation, therapeutic patterns and outcomes. Pan Afr Med J. 2017 May 18 ; 27:46.


  1. Moifo Boniface, Nguefack Séraphin, Moulion Tapouh Jean Roger, Gonsu Kamga Johann, Abdouramani Abdou, Mah Evelyne, Gonsu Fotsin Joseph. Syndrome de Sturge-Weber bilatéral : aspects cliniques et scanographiques à propos de deux cas. J Afr Imag Méd 2016;8(1):36-39.
  2. Seme Engoumou. A, Fewou A, Mbo Amvene J, Moulion Tapouh JR, Nko’o Amvene S. Aspects Scanographiques et Remnographiques des Tumeurs Intracrâniennes à l’Hôpital Général de Douala. Health Sci. Dis: Vol 17 (4) : 22-27.
  3. Boniface Moifo, François Djomou, Sylviane Dongmo Fomekong, Jean Roger Moulion Tapouh, Emmanuella Manka’a Wankie, Antoine Bola, Alexis Ndjolo, Gonsu Fostin Joseph. Biométrie échographique de la glande thyroïde normale de l’adulte camerounais. J Afr Imag Méd 2016;8(3):13-17


  1. Moulion Tapouh JR, Njoya O, Monabang Zoé C, Moifo B, Kowo M, Nko’o Amvene S. Approche non Endoscopique du Diagnostic des Varices Oesophagiennes d’Origine Cirrhotique dans une Population d’Afrique Noire Subsaharienne. Health Sci. Dis 2015;16[3]:5p.
  2. Jean Roger MT, Marcus F, Emmanuel F, Boniface M, Alain Georges J. Pseudoaneurysm of the Common Carotid Artery in an Infant due to Swallowed Fish Bone. Case Rep Radiol. 2015:1–5.
  3. Moifo B., Pefura-Yone E.W., Nguefack-Tsague G., Gharingam M.L., Tapouh J.R.M., Kengne A.-P. and Amvene S.N. (2015). Inter-Observer Variability in the Detection and Interpretation of Chest X-Ray Anomalies in Adults in an Endemic Tuberculosis Area. Open Journal of Medical Imaging, 5, 143-149.
  4. Tapouh J.R.M., Moifo B., Zoé, C.M., Guifo M.L., Tebere H., Edzimbi, A.L. and Amvene S.N. (2015). Potential Association between Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear and “Bi-Collateral” Ligamentous Rupture : A Retrospective Study. Open Journal of Radiology, 5, 217-223.


  1. Moifo B, Nguefack S, Moulion Tapouh JR, Mah E, Mbonda E, Gonsu Fotsin J. Predictive Factors for Abnormal Brain CT-Scan in Childhood Epilepsy at Yaoundé (Cameroon). Open Journal of Medical Imaging 2014; 4: 31-37.
  2. Gharingam ML, Moifo B, Pefura Yone EW, Kengne AP, Moulion Tapouh JR, Edzimbi AL, Nguefack-Tsague G, Nko’o Amvene S. Impact of standardized scheme on the detection of chest X-ray abnormalities and radiographic diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in adult. Open Journal of Medical Imaging 2014; 4: 23-30.
  3. Jean Roger Moulion Tapouh, Cathy Monabang Zoé, Jean Claude Amougou Mballa, Eric Magny Tiam, Annick Laure Edzimbi, Boniface Moifo, Samuel Nko’o Amvene. Prévalence des Anomalies Transitionnelles Lombosacrées dans une Population de Sujets Camerounais Souffrant de Lombalgies Chroniques. Health Sci. Dis 2014;15[4]:4p.


  1. Moifo B, Guegang GE, Foumane P, Zeh OF, Sando Z, Wanko Woguep VL, Tebere H, Moulion Tapouh JR, Gonsu Kamga JE. Valeur des signes échographiques dans la prédiction du potentiel malin des masses mammaires. J Afr Imag Méd 2013;5[4]:246-249.
  2. Moifo B, Ndeh Kamgnie M, Ninying Fuh F, Zeh OF, Tebere H, Moulion Tapouh JR, Edzimbi AL, Nko’o-Amvene S. Pertinence des Indications d’Examens d’Imagerie Médicale à Yaoundé – Cameroun. Health Sci. Dis 2013;14[4]:8p.
  3. JR Moulion Tapouh, S Nkoo Amvene, C Monabang Zoé. Terminaison du cône médullaire, du sac dural et profondeur du canal vertébral chez le noir Africain. African Journal of Neurological Sciences 2013 ; 31[2]:65-75.


  1. Moifo B, Moulion Tapouh JR, Zeh OF, Nguefack S, Foumane P, Gonsu Fotsin J. Aspects cliniques et scanographiques des lésions sellaires et suprasellaires à Yaoundé. J Afr Imag Méd 2012;4[2]:56-65.

Département d’Ophtalmologie, ORL et Stomatologie

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