Publications de la FS (suite)
Liste des publications de la Faculté des Sciences (Suite)
[cs_table column_size= »1/1″ table_style= »modern »] [table] [thead] [tr] [th]Hauteurs / Titre[/th] [/tr] [/thead] [tbody]
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- Unité de Recherche de Chimie Appliquée et Environnementale (URCAPE)
- Publications scientifiques
- Bienvenu Tsakem, Paul Eckhardt, Roland Tchuenteu Tchuenguem, Beaudelaire Kemvoufo Ponou, Jean Paul Dzoyem, Remy Bertrand Teponno, Luciano Barboni, Leon Azefack Tapondjou, Till Opatz. 2022. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 101, 104397. .
- Robert V. Kepdieu Tchebou, Paul Eckhardt, Blondelle Matio Kemkuignou, Roland Tchuenguem, Romuald Tematio Fouedjou, Beaudelaire Kemvoufo Ponou, Jean Paul Dzoyem, Remy Bertrand Teponno, Luciano Barboni, Leon Azefack Tapondjou, Till Opatz..2022. A dinorcassane-type diterpene and a steroidal saponin from Distemonanthus benthamianus (Caesalpiniaceae). Phytochemistry Letters 48, 62-67.
- Ponou B. K, Tanaka C., Teponno B. R., Tapondjou A. L., Miyamoto 2021. Manniosides B-F, five new triterpenoid saponins from the leaves of Schefflera mannii (Hook.f.) Harms. Carbohydrate Research 502, 108279.
- Chouna S. D., Bankeu J. J. K., Fongang Y. S. F., Dize D., Ponou B. K, Bitchagno G.T. M., Awantu A.F., Lenta B. N., Fekam F. B., Ngouela S. A., Opatz T., Sewald N. 2021. Constituents of Peperomia vulcanica Baker & C. H. Wright (Piperaceae) with antiparasitic activity. Phytochemistry Letters 41, 14-20.
- Claudie Fokou Kenmogne, Beaudelaire Kemvoufo Ponou, Blondelle Matio Kemkuignou, Jonas Kühlborn, Roland T. Tchuenguem, Rémy Bertrand Teponno, Jean Paul Dzoyem, Till Opatz & Léon Azefack Tapondjou 2021: Mimonoside D: a new triterpenoid saponin from Mimosa diplotricha Sauvalle (Fabaceae), Natural Product Research, DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2021.2008386.
- Fouedjou T. R., Ponou B. K, Teponno B. R., Melzig F. M., Tanaka C., Miyamoto , Tapondjou A. L., 2021. Two new triterpenoid saponins: telephiifoliosides A and B from the roots of Corrigiola telephiifolia Pourr. Natural Product Research,
- Sinda P.V. K., Ponou B. K., Tsafack B.T., Kühlborn J., Tchuenguem R.T., Teponno R. B., Dzoyem J. P., Opatz T., Tapondjou1 A. L., 2021. Ethnobotany, pharmacology and phytochemical investigations of the seeds of Pentaclethra macrophylla Benth (Mimosaceae). Advances in Biological Chemistry 11, 126-141
- Bomgning CLK, Sinda PVK, Ponou BK, Fotio AL, Tsague MK, Tsafack BT, Kühlborn J, Mbuyo-Nguelefack EP, Teponno RB, Opatz T, Tapondjou LA, Nguelefack TB. Hepatoprotective effects of extracts, fractions and compounds from the stem bark of Pentaclethra macrophylla Benth: Evidence from in vitro and in vivo studies. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 136 (2021) 111242
- Mouzié C. M., Ponou B. K., Fouedjou R. T., Teponno R. B., Tapondjou A. L., 2021. Steroidal saponins from Dracaena humilis (Dracaenaceae) and their chemotaxonomic significance. Natural Product Sciences 27, 122-127.
- Tsamo, D. L. F., Tamokou, J. D. D., Kengne, I. C., Ngnokam, C. D. J., Djamalladine, M. D., Voutquenne-Nazabadioko, L., & Ngnokam, D. 2021. Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Secondary Metabolites from Trifolium baccarinii Chiov.(Fabaceae) and Their Mechanisms of Antibacterial Action. BioMed research international, 2021
- Kengne, I. C., Feugap, L. D. T., Njouendou, A. J., Ngnokam, C. D. J., Djamalladine, M. D., Ngnokam, D., & Voutquenne-Nazabadioko, L. 2021. Antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant activities of whole plant chemical constituents of Rumex abyssinicus. BMC complementary medicine and therapies, 21(1), 1-14.
- Tsamo, L. D. F., Yimgang, L. V., Wouamba, S. C. N., Mkounga, P., Nkengfack, A. E., Voutquenne-Nazabadioko, L., … & Sewald, N. 2021. A New Ceramide (Rumexamide) and Other Chemical Constituents from Rumex abyssinicus Jacq (Polygonaceae): Isolation, Characterization, Antibacterial Activities and Chemophenetic Significance. Advances in Biological Chemistry, 11(05), 266-282
- Tagousop, C. N., Feugap, L. D. T., Harakat, D., Voutquenne-Nazabadioko, L., & Ngnokam, D. 2021. New Hemisynthetic Oleanane Saponin with Antimicrobial Activities. Advances in Biological Chemistry, 11(1), 1-11.
- Zeutsop, J. F., Zébazé, J. N., Nono, R. N., Frese, M., Chouna, J. R., Lenta, B. N., … & Sewald, N. 2021. Antioxidant and cytotoxicity activities of δ-tocotrienol from the seeds of Allophylus africanus. Natural Product Research, 1-11
- Zeutsop, J. F., Nono, R. N., Frese, M., Chouna, J. R., Lenta, B. N., Nkeng-Efouet-Alango, P., & Sewald, N. 2021. Phytochemical, antibacterial, antioxidant and cytoxicity investigation of Tarenna grandiflora. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, 76(7-8), 285-290.
- Garba, J. K., Nguengang, R. T., Youmbi, G. T., Menatche, J. N., Ngansop, C. A. N., Bankeu, J. J. K., Chouna, J. R.,… & Lenta, B. N. 2022. Antileishmanial, antibacterial and cytotoxicity activity of the extracts, fractions, and compounds from the fruits and stem bark extracts of Pentadesma butyracea Sabine. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B, 77(1), 9-15.
- Joseph Tsemeugne, Lahngong M. Shinyuy, Sorel K. D. Djeukoua, Emmanuel F. Sopbue, Moses N. Ngemenya, Evaluation of macrofilaricidal and microfilaricidal activities against Onchocerca ochengi and cytotoxicity of some synthesized azo compounds containing thiophene backbone, Parasitology Research, 2021, 120, 2087–2094.
- Joseph Tsemeugne*, Pamela Kemda Nangmo, Pierre Mkounga, Jean-De-Dieu Tamokou, Iréne Chinda Kengne, Giles Edwards, Emmanuel Fondjo Sopbué and Augustin Ephrem Nkengfack, Synthesis, characteristic fragmentation patterns, and antibacterial activity of new azo compounds from the coupling reaction of diazobenzothiazole ions and acetaminophen, Heterocyclic Communications, 2021, 27, 79–89.
- Emmanuel Sopbué Fondjo*, Abdou Salamou Njoya, Jean‑de‑Dieu Tamokou , Giscard Doungmo, Bruno Ndjakou Lenta, Peter F. W. Simon , Apollinaire Tsopmo and Jules‑Roger Kuiate, Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial properties of two derivatives of pyrrolidine-2,5-dione fused at positions-3,4 to a dibenzobarrelene backbone, BMC Chemistry, 2022, 16(8), 1-10.
- B) Participation aux congrès, colloques et conférences scientifiques
1- 7ème Journées des Sciences de la Vie, JSV2021, organisée par le le Cameroon Forum for Biological Sciences (CAFOBIOS), tenue du 12 au 14 Août 2021, à l’Université de Dschang-Cameroun
2- Dschang Humboldt Kolleg 2021, tenue du 20 au 22 Octobre 2021, à l’Université de Dschang,
3- 28ème conférence annuelle du Comité Camerounais des Biosciences, tenue du 30 Novembre au 04 Décembre 2021 à l’Université de Dschang.
4- Symposium des anciens boursiers de l’Office Allemand des Echanges Universitaire (DAAD) qui s’est tenu du 08 au 11 Mars 2022 à la Mairie de Bangangté.
- C) Organisation des congrès, colloques et conférences scientifiques
1- Dschang Humboldt Kolleg 2021, theme: « Refraiming the World after the Covid-19 Pandemic: Contributions of African Academics », tenue du 20 au 22 Octobre 2021, à l’Université de Dschang
2- 7ème Journées des Sciences de la Vie, JSV2021, organisée par le le Cameroon Forum for Biological Sciences (CAFOBIOS), tenue du 12 au 14 Août 2021, à l’Université de Dschang-Cameroun.
3- Prof. SOPBUE FONDJO Emmanuel a présidé le Comité Local d’Organisation et a été membre de la Commission Scientifique de la 28ème conférence annuelle du Comité Camerounais des Biosciences, tenue du 30 Novembre au 04 Décembre 2021 à l’Université de Dschang.
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- Unité de Recherche de Matière Condensée, d’Électronique et de Traitement du Signal (URMACETS)
A). Publications scientifiques (Électronique)
- Chimera states in a neuronal network under the action of an electric field, Gael R. Simo, Thierry Njougouo, R. P. Aristide, Patrick Louodop, Robert Tchitnga and Hilda A. Cerdeira, Physical Review E 00, 002300 (2021)
- Traveling chimera patterns in two-dimensional neuronal network, Gael R. Simo, Patrick Louodop, Dibakar Ghosh, Thierry Njougouo, Robert Tchitnga and Hilda A. Cerdeira, Physics Letters A 409, 127519 (2021)
- Van der Pol equation with sine nonlinearity: dynamical behavior and real time control to a target trajectory, Rodrigue Fonkou, Patrick Louodop, Pierre K. Talla and Paul Woafo, Physica Scripta. DOI : 1088/1402-4896/ac19cd (2021)
- Dynamic Behavior of Pacemaker Models Subjected to a Arterial Pressure Excitation Simulator: Theoretical and Experimental Study by Microcontroller, Rodrigue Fonkou, Patrick Louodop, Pierre K. Talla and Paul Woafo, Brazilian Journal of Physics. DOI :10.1007/s13538-021-00967-8 (2021)
- Network of Mobile systems: Mutual influence of oscillators and agents, Venceslas Nguefoue, Thierry Njougouo, Patrick Louodop, Hilaire Fotsin, Hilda A. Cerdeira, European Physics Journal Special Topics org/10.1140/epjs/s11734-021-00355-y
- Dynamical behavior of cardiac conduction system under external disturbances: simulation based on microcontroller technology, Rodrigues Fonkou, Patrick Louodop, Pierre K. Talla, Physica Scripta. DOI: 1088/1402-4896/ac47ba
- Dynamics of time-delayed optoelectronic oscillators with nonlinear amplifiers and its potential application to random numbers generation, Jimmi H. Talla Mbé, William N. Atchoffo, Tchitnga, and Paul Woafo, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 57, 5, 5000507 (2021)
- Dynamics of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers under AM and FM current modulations, Loannis P. G. Temgoua, Jimmi H. Talla Mbé, Bernard E. Zobo, and Paul Woafo, Scr.96, 125523 (2021).
- Chaos recognition using a single nonlinear node delay-based reservoir computer, Dagobert W. Liedji, Jimmi H. Talla Mbé, and Godpromesse Kenne, Eur. Phys. J. B, 95:18 (2022)
- Dynamics of optoelectronic oscillators with band-pass filter and laser nonlinearities: theory and experiment, Juliette S. D. Kamaha, Jimmi H. Talla Mbé, Samuel Noubissie, Hilaire B. Fotsin, and Paul Woafo, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 54: 178 (2022)
- Kammogne Soup Tewa Alain, Nyiembui Tiafeh Paul and Kengne Romanic. Adaptive observer based-robust synchronization of switched fractional Rikitake systems with input nonlinearity. International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2021, p. 1-18.
- Kammogne Soup Tewa Alain, Mawamba Fopa Vannick and Kengne Jacques. Robust prescribed-time stabilization for fuzzy sliding mode synchronization for uncertain chaotic systems. European Journal of Control, 2021, vol. 59, p. 29-37.
13-Kammogne Soup Tewa Alain, Kenmogne Fabien, Siewe Siewe Martin and Fotsin Hilaire Bertrand. Robust nonsingular sliding mode control of the maglev train system: case study. SN Applied Sciences, 2021, vol. 3, no 3, p. 1-18.
14- Mengue Francois Dieudonné, Kammogne Soup Tewa Alain, Siewe Siewe Martin and Fotsin Hilaire Bertrand. A new hybrid method based on differential evolution to determine the temperature-dependent parameters of single-diode photovoltaic cells. Journal of Computational Electronics, 2021, vol. 20, no 6, p. 2511-2521.
15-Teguia Jean Blaise, Kenne Godpromesse, Kammogne Soup Tewa Alain, Fouokeng Georges Collince and Nanfak Arnaud. The Detection of Inter-Turn Short Circuits in the Stator Windings of Sensorless Operating Induction Motors. World Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2021, vol. 9, no 3, p. 653-681.
16- Danao Adoum Adile, Kenmogne Fabien, Kammogne Soup Tewa Alain, Simo Hervé, Tahir Mahmat Abakar and Kumar Sunil. Dynamics of a mechanical network consisting of discontinuous coupled system oscillators with strong irrational nonlinearities: Resonant states and bursting waves. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2021 , vol. 137, p. 103812.
17-Kengne Romanic, Motchongom Tingue Marceline, Kammogne Soup Tewa Alain, Djuidjé Kenmoé and Kofane Timoléon Crépin. Optimal phase control in a Remoissenet–Peyrard substrate potential: numerical and analogical investigations. Indian Journal of Physics, 2022, p. 1-12.
18-Teguia Jean Blaise, Kammogne Soup Tewa Alain and Ganmene Stella Germaine. Fuzzy-enhanced robust fault-tolerant control of IFOC motor with matched and mismatched Disturbances. Mathematical Foundations of Computing. March 2022. doi:10.3934/mfc.2022006
19- Fabien Kenmogne, Michael Soup Teoua Ouagni, Hervé Simo, Alain Soup Tewa Kammogne, Blaise Ngwem Bayiha, Martine Limi Wokwenmendam, Emmanuel Elong, François Ngapgue. Effects of time delay on the dynamical behavior of nonlinear beam on elastic foundation under periodic loadings: Chaotic detection and it control. Results in Physics. April 2022.
- T. Motchongom, Romanic Kengne, G. B. Tanekou, F. B. Pelap and T. C. Kofane. (2022) Complex dynamic of two-block model for earthquake induced by periodic stress disturbances. The European Physical Journal Plus 137, 177.
- Motchongom, M. T., Tanekou, G. B., Fozin, F., Kagho, L. Y., Romanic Kengne, Pelap, F. B., & Kofane, T. C. (2021). Fractional dynamic of two-blocks model for earthquake induced by periodic stress perturbations. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals: X, 7, 100064.
- Gervais dolvis Leutcho, Huihai Wang, Romanic Kengne, Leandre Kamdjeu Kengne, Zeric Tabekoueng and Theophile Fozin Fonzin. (2021). Symmetry-breaking, amplitude control and constant Lyapunov exponent based on single parameter snap flows. European Physical Journal Special Topics,
- Alombah, N. H., Tchendjeu, A. E. T., Romanic Kengne, Talla, F. C., & Fotsin, H. B. (2021). FPGA Implementation of a Novel Two-internal-State Memristor and its Two Component Chaotic Circuit. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 14(27), 2257-2271.
- Leandre Kamdjeu Kengne, Romanic Kengne, Zeric Tabekoueng, Theophile Fozin Fonzin, Roger Mboupda Pone, and Hervé Thierry Kamdem Tagne (2021). Effects of symmetry-breaking on the dynamics of the Shinriki’s oscillator. European Physical Journal Special Topics,
- Christian Foka Fogang, Francois Beceau Pelap, Guy Bertrand Tanekou, Romanic Kengne et al. (2021) Earthquake dynamic induced by the magma up flow with fractional power law and fractional-order friction. ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS,64,1,SE101
- Joakim Vianney Ngamsa Tegnitsap, Merlin Brice Saatsa Tsefack, Elie Bertrand Megam Ngouonkadi, and Hilaire Bertrand Fotsin, (2021).On the modeling of some triodes-based nonlinear oscillators with complex dynamics: case of the Van der Pol oscillator, Physica. Scripta. 96.
B). Publications scientifiques (Matière Condensée et Nanomatériaux)
- M. Ekengoue, C. Kenfack-Sadem, J. E. Danga, G. N. Bawe, A. El Moussaouy, O. Mommadi, L. Belamkadem, L. C. Fai, Polariton condensate and Landau-Zener-Stückelberg interferometry transition in multilayer transition metal dichalcogenides, Physica Scripta, 97 (2022) 025801.
- Kenfack-Sadem, S. N. Wopunghwo, W. A. Nganfo, M. C. Ekosso, A. J. Fotué , L ,C. Fai, (2022) “Influence of surface parameters and Poisson’s ratio on the buckling growth rate of a microtubule system using the modified couple stress theory”. Pramana – J Phys96, 16 (2022).
- D. Kammogne, M. B. Kenmoe, L. C. Fai (2022), « Statistics of Interferograms in Three-Level Systems”, Physics Letters A , 425,127872,
- E. Ateuafack, G.D. Kemlekeu, M.G. Akumbom, J.T. Diffo, V.B. Mborong, L.C. Fai (2021), “Balance and Imbalance p-wave superfluid in BCS-BEC crossover regime at finite temperatue: Feynman Path Integral approach”. Results in Physics (2021), doi:
- Makokiyu Godlove Akumbom , Georges Collince Fouokeng , Martin Tchoffo , L.C. Fai (2021), “Generalized Van der Waals Equation for Liquid-Vapor Equilibria in a Stationary Gravitational Field”. World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics, 11, 1-11,
- D.Waladi Gueagni, , M.Tchoffo , L.Tenemeza Kenfack , G.C.Fouokeng , L.C.Fai (2021), “Magnetoelectric polarizability of a multiferroic antiferromagnetic quantum spin system: The influence of both the site-dependent magnetic and electric fields”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 534, 167987,
- Makokiyu Godlove Akumbom, Georges Collince Fouokeng, Martin Tchoffo, C. Fai (2021), “Generalized Van der Waals Equation for Liquid-Vapor Equilibria in a Stationary Gravitational Field”, World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics, Vol.11 No.1, DOI: 10.4236/wjcmp.2021.111001
- E.Tongue Magne ,R.M.Keumo Tsiaze ,A.J.FotuéaN.M.Hounkonnou ,L.C.Fai (2021) ,” Cumulative effects of fluctuations and magnetoelectric coupling in two-dimensional RMnO3 (R = Tb, Lu and Y) multiferroics”, Physics Letters A, Volume 400, 4 June 2021, 127305,
- Vubangsi, F. B. Migueu, B. F. Kamsu, L. S. Yonya Tchapda, M. Tchoffo, L. C. Fai, A Model Effective Mass Quantum Anharmonic Oscillator and Its Thermodynamic Characterization, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2021, 9, 306-316, DOI: 10.4236/jamp.2021.92022.
- G. E. Tongue , A. J. Fotue,a, R. M. Keumo Tsiaze, L. C. Fai, Study of thermodynamic fluctuations of two-dimensional multiferroic systems using the renormalized Gaussian approach, Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2021) 136:199
- Issofa, F. Christian Platini Kuetche, M. Ateuefack, L.C. Fai, Dynamic of the system in a periodic potential, submitted to an electromagnetic wave: Path integral approach, Physica Scripta, DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/abe581, Phys. Scr. 96 (2021) 055702
- (2021)C. Ekosso, A.J. Fotue, H. Fotsin, L.C. Fai, Information processing and thermodynamic properties of microtubules, Pramana, 95 (2021) 26
- Kuetche, C. , Issofa, N. , Ateuafack, M. and L.C. Fai, (2021) Thermodynamic Parameters of Central Spin Coupled to an Antiferromagnetic Bath: Path Integral Formalism. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 9, 133-145. doi: 4236/jamp.2021.91010.
- K. Fodouop, G.C. Fouokeng, A.T. Tsokeng, M. Tchoffo, L.C. Fai, Metamagnetoelectric transitions-enhanced multicaloric effect in multiferroics A2Cu2Mo3O12 (A=Rb and Cs) quantum spin chain, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 128 (2021) 114616,
- Faustin Blaise Migueu, Mercel Vubangsi, Martin Tchoffo , L.C. Fai , (2021) “ Wave packets dynamics for nonlinear Gazeau-Klauder coherent states of a position dependent mass system in a Coulomb-like potential”, Chinese Physics B , DOI: 1088/1674-1056/abd7e2
- R.T. Simo, O. N. Samba, P.K. Talla, L.C. Fai (2021),Radiation dose from three-phase X-ray machines: A comparison between different models, Int J Radiat Res 2021, 19(3): 559-567, DOI: 10.52547/ijrr.19.3.559
- Kenfack-Sadem, F. C. Fobasso Mbognou, A. J. Fotue, M. N. Hounkonnou, D. Akay, L. C. Fai . Thermodynamic Properties and Optical Absorption of Polaron in Monolayer Graphene Under Laser Field. J Low Temp Phys 203, 327–344 (2021).
- Kenfack-Sadem, A. Kitio Teguimfouet, A. Kenfack-Jiotsa, R. M. Keumo Tsiaze . Dynamics and Decoherence of Exciton Polaron in Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides. Journal of Elec Materi 50, 2911–2921 (2021).
- C. Fobasso Mbognou, C. Kenfack-Sadem, A. J. Fotue, M. N. Hounkonnou, D. Akay, L. C. Fai (2021) Thermodynamics Properties and Optical Conductivity of Bipolaron in Graphene Nanoribbon Under Laser Irradiation. J Low Temp Phys 203, 204–224 (2021).
- V.Diffo, A.J.Fotue, S.C.Kenfack, R.M.Keumo Tsiaze, E.Baloitcha, M.N.Hounkonnou (2021). Thermodynamic Properties of a Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD): Quantum Dot in the Presence of Magnetic Field. Physics Letters A, Volume 385, 7 January 2021, 126958.
- Nguepnang, Arthur Kitio Teguimfouet, Sadem Christian Kenfack, A. Kenfack-Jiotsa (2021). Polaron dynamic and decoherence in transition metal dichalcogenides under electric field. Indian J Phys (2021).
- Kenfack-Sadem, C., Tagne, R., Pelap, F.B. , Nfor Bawe Gerard . Potential of wind energy in Cameroon based on Weibull, normal, and lognormal distribution. Int J Energy Environ Eng (2021).
- Kenfack-Sadem, N. Mbo Akoumba, F. C. Fobasso Mbognou, A. J. Fotue, Y. Sun, L. C. Fai. Dynamics and Decoherence of Polaron in Monolayer Graphene Under Magnetic Field. J Low Temp Phys 205, 29–44.
- V. Nguepnang · C. Kenfack‑Sadem· A. Kenfack‑Jiotsa · M. F. C. Fobasso · Y. Sun. Optical signature of bipolaron in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides: all coupling approach. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 53:728 (2021).
- KENFACK-SADEM, J. V. NGUEPNANG, A. KENFACK- JIOTSA, F.C. FOBASSO MBOGNOU, T. V. DIFFO, M. N. HOUNKONNOU. Magnetic effect on Dynamic and decoherence of exciton polaron in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides. Phys. Scr. 96 125824 (2021).
- A. Nganfo, C. Kenfack-Sadem, M. C. Ekosso, S. N. Wopunghwo, A. J. Fotué, L. C. Fai. Dynamic behaviour of microtubules around the critical temperature and effect of the electric field produced by these vibrations on its environment. Eur. Phys. J. Plus 136:1003 ()2021.
- V. Nguepnang· C. Kenfack‑Sadem · A. Kenfack‑Jiotsa · C. Guimapi · A. J. Fotue · A. E. Merad Optical and Quantum Electronics, 53:654 (2021).
- C KENFACK-SADEM, S N WOPUNGHWO, W A NGANFO, M C EKOSSO, A J FOTUÉ and L C FAI. Influence of surface parameters and Poisson’s ratio on the buckling growth rate of a microtubule system using the modified couple stress theory. Pramana – J. Phys. (2022) 96:16.
- C M Ekengoue, C. Kenfack-Sadem, J E Danga, G N Bawe Jr, AEl Moussaouy, OMommadi , L Belamkadem and LCFai. Phys. Scr. 97 (2022) 025801.
- Kitio Teguimfouet, C. Kenfack-Sadem, J. Valère Nguepnang1, A. Kenfack-Jiotsa, K. Bhattacharyya. Relaxation and transport of excitonic polaron in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology (2022).
- A.Nganfo, C. Kenfack-Sadem, A.J. Fotué, M.C. Ekosso, S.N. Wopunghwo, L.C. Fai. Dynamics of exciton polaron in microtubule. Heliyon 8(2022)e08897.
- Odette Melachio Tiokang1, Fridolin Nya Tchangnwa, Jaures Diffo Tchinda, Arthur Tsamouo Tsokeng and Martin Tchoffo Effects of colored noise on the dynamics of quantum entanglement of one-parameter qubit-qutrit system. Chinese Physics B, 2021.Kenfack, Lionel Tenemeza ; Gueagni, William Degaulle Waladi ; Tchoffo, Martin ; Fai, Lukong Cornelius, “Quantum thermometry by single qubit-probe in a thermal XY spin-chain bath”, Quantum Information Processing, Volume 20, Issue 4, article id.144, April 2021 DOI: 10.1007/s11128-021-03075-3
- Kuate Fodouop Fabrice, Tsamouo Tsokeng Arthur, Nguenang Nganyo Pernel, Tchoffo Martin, Lukong Cornelius Fai, “Tripartite quantum discord dynamics in qubits driven by the joint influence of distinct classical noises”, Quantum Information Processing > Issue 1/2021, DOI: 10.1007/s11128-020-02967-0
- Regular Article
- Odette Melachio Tiokang, Fridolin Nya Tchangnwa, Jaures Diffo Tchinda, Lionel Tenemeza Kenfack1, Martin Tchoffo and Lukong Cornelius Fai, “Comparative study of the dynamics of entanglement and purity in two hybrid quantum systems under the effect of static noise”,Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2021) 136: 957 ,
- Yiande Deuto Germain, Azangue Koumetio Armel, Alain Giresse Tene , Nsangou Isofa and Martin Tchoffo, Decoherence dynamics of a charged particle within a nondemolition type interaction in non-commutative phase-space, Phys. Scr. 96 (2021) 085705
- Azangue Koumetio Armel, Yiande Deuto Germain, Alain Giresse Tene and Martin Tchoffo,The dynamic of quantum entanglement of two dimensional harmonic oscillartor in non-commutative space, Phys. Scr. 96 (2021) 125731
- Tchoffo Martin, Tene Alain Giresse “Security and communication distance improvement in decoy states based quantum key distribution using pseudo-random bases choice for photon polarization measurement” Optical and Quantum Electronics 53(8):473 (2021)
- Edwige carole Fosso, Fridolin Tchangnwa Nya, Lionel Tenemeza Kenfack, and Martin Tchoffo, Effect of classical random external field on the dynamics of entanglement in four-qubit system, Chin. Phys. B, 2021, vol. 30(11) Chinese Physics B.
A*) Livres
- Lukong Cornelius Fai, Quantum Mechanics: Non-Relativistic and Relativistic Theory, 1st Edition, Publisher: CRC Press (2022), ISBN: 1032221461, 9781032221465.
- Lukong Cornelius Fai, Feynman Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Physics, 1st Edition, Publisher: CRC Press (2021), ISBN: 9780367697853; eBook ISBN 9781003145554.
- B) Participation aux congrès, colloques et conférences scientifiques
1- UM6P Benguerir Campus, Morocco, 23/12/2021 – 24/12/2021. Etude théorique du polaron et bipolaron dans les nanostructures : film d’Hélium, graphène et dichalcogénures de métaux de transition. JMCON – Physics on condensed matter physics, optics, Nanosciences, and Applications.
2- Université des Sciences et technique et Masuku, Gabon, 26/01/2022 – 28/01/2022. Effet de la langue d’eau froide de l’Océan Atlantique sur le climat de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale. JOURNEES SCIENTIFIQUES DE L’USTM Edition 2022.
- C) Organisation des congrès, colloques et conférences scientifiques
[/td] [/tr][tr] [td]
- Unité de Recherche de Mécanique et de Modélisation des Systèmes Physiques (UR2MSP)
- Publications scientifiques
- B) Participation aux congrès, colloques et conférences scientifiques
- C) Organisation des congrès, colloques et conférences scientifiques
11) Unité de Recherche d’Automatique et d’Informatique appliquée (URAIA)
- Publications scientifiques
- B) Participation aux congrès, colloques et conférences scientifiques
- C) Organisation des congrès, colloques et conférences scientifiques
12) Unité de Recherche d’Ingénierie des Systèmes Industriels et de l’Environnement (URISIE)
- Publications scientifiques
- B) Participation aux congrès, colloques et conférences scientifiques
- C) Organisation des congrès, colloques et conférences scientifiques
[/td] [/tr][tr] [td]
- Unité de Recherche en Mathématiques et Applications (URMA)
- Publications scientifiques
- Jäger W, Woukeng JL. Homogenization of Richards’ equations in multiscale porous media with soft inclusions. Journal of Differential Equations. 2021 Apr 25;281:503-49.
- Ndongmo Teytsa HM, Tsanou B, Bowong S, Lubuma JM. Bifurcation analysis of a phage-bacteria interaction model with prophage induction. Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of the IMA. 2021 Mar;38(1):28-58.
- Fotso Fotso Y, Touzeau S, Tsanou B, Bowong S, Grognard F. Modelling and optimal strategy to control coffee berry borer. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2021 Dec;44(18):14569-92.
- Aziz-Alaoui MA, Lubuma JM, Tsanou B. Prevalence-based modeling approach of schistosomiasis: global stability analysis and integrated control assessment. Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2021 Feb;40(1):1-38.
- Teytsa HM, Tsanou B, Bowong S, Lubuma J. Coupling the modeling of phage-bacteria interaction and cholera epidemiological model with and without optimal control. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2021 Mar 7;512:110537.
- Garba SM, Lubuma JM, Tsanou B. Nonstandard Finite Difference Models of the COVID-19 Pandemic. In2021 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM) 2021 Jan 6. AMS.
- Tadmon C, Djiodjo-Seugmo G. Mathematical analysis of some couplings for the Eddington-inspired-Born-Infeld theory of bi-gravity in Bondi coordinates. Classical and Quantum Gravity. 2021 Oct 27;38(22):225012.
- Tadmon C, Djiodjo-Seugmo G. New Bianchi type I cosmological solutions in Eddington-inspired-Born-Infeld theory. Afrika Matematika. 2021 Jun;32(3):555-66.
- Tadmon C, Foko S, Rendall AD. Global stability analysis of a delay cell-population model of hepatitis B infection with humoral immune response. Dynamical Systems. 2021 Oct 2;36(4):537-59.
- Tadmon C, Tchaptchet ER. Impact of Financial Crisis on Economic Growth: A Stochastic Model. Stochastics and Quality Control. 2022 Feb 24.
- Suardi C, Cazzaniga E, Graci S, Dongo D, Palestini P. Link between viral infections, immune system, inflammation and diet. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 Jan;18(5):2455.
- Tsemogne O, Hayel Y, Kamhoua C, Deugoué G. Game theoretic modeling of cyber deception against epidemic botnets in internet of things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2021 May 19.
- Brzeźniak Z, Deugoué G, Razafimandimby PA. On the 2D Ericksen–Leslie equations with anisotropic energy and external forces. Journal of Evolution Equations. 2021 Dec;21(4):3891-961.
- Tsemogne O, Hayel Y, Kamhoua C, Deugoue G. A Partially Observable Stochastic Zero-sum Game for a Network Epidemic Control Problem. Dynamic Games and Applications. 2022 Feb 15:1-28.
- Deugoué G, Tachim Medjo T. Large deviation principles for a 2D stochastic Cahn–Hilliard–Navier–Stokes driven by jump noise. Stochastics. 2022 Jan 11:1-35.
- Deugoue G, Moghomye BJ, Medjo TT. Splitting-up scheme for the stochastic Cahn–Hilliard Navier–Stokes model. Stochastics and Dynamics. 2021 Feb 18;21(01):2150005.
- Nganteu C, Kianpi M, Lele C. On MV-coalgebras over the category of BL-algebras. Soft Computing. 2021 Oct;25(20):12805-15.
- Lele C, Nganou JB, Oumarou CM. Ideals of semisimple MV-algebras and convergence along set-theoretic filters. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 2021 Sep 30.
- Kengne PC, Koguep BB, Lele C. Fuzzy Prime Ideal Theorem in Residuated Lattices. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences. 2021 Jun 14;2021.
- Woumfo F, Koguep Njionou BB, Temgoua Alomo ER, Lele C. Ideals and Bosbach States on Residuated Lattices. New Mathematics and Natural Computation. 2021 Jul;17(02):281-302.
- Baptiste PJ. Characteristic Cauchy problem on the light cone for the Einstein–Vlasov system in temporal gauge. Classical and Quantum Gravity. 2021 Aug 24;38(18):185009.
- B) Participation aux congrès, colloques et conférences scientifiques
- C) Organisation des congrès, colloques et conférences scientifiques
- Kenfack Nangho M. IndabaX Cameroon and CARI 2022, Membre du Comité local d’organisation
- Tadmon Calvin. IndabaX Cameroon and CARI 2022, Membre du Comité local d’organisation
[/td] [/tr][tr] [td]
- Unité de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale et Intelligence Artificielle (URIFIA)
- Publications scientifiques
- Yougouda, R.A., Nkenlifack, M., Kamla, V.C. and Bitjoka, L. (2021) Model for Anticipating Failures by Omission in Calculation Grids. Journal of Optimization, 10, 71-87.
- Kouam Kamdem I.G., Nkenlifack M.J.A. (2021) Data Security in Health Systems: Case of Cameroon. In: Arai K. (eds) Intelligent Computing. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 285, pp 48-57. Springer, Cham.
- Otele, C. G. A., Onabid, M. A., Assembe, P. S., & Nkenlifack, M. (2021). Updated Lithological Map in the Forest Zone of the Centre, South and East Regions of Cameroon Using Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network and Landsat Images. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 9, 120-134.
- Pierre Carole KENGNE, Blaise Blériot KOGUEP and Célestin LELE, fuzzy prime ideal theorem in residuated lattices, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2021(8), ID 5569981 (2021).
- C. KENGNE, D. C. AWOUAFACK, B. B. KOGUEP and C. LELE, L-fuzzy ideals and L-fuzzy congruences of multilattices, Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 26 (2), 145 – 174 (2021)
- Fouetio, G. Nguetseng, Woukeng, J.L.* (2021): Multiscale analysis of semilinear damped stochastic wave equations. To appear in Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series.
- Jäger, W., Woukeng, J.L.* (2021): Homogenization of Richards’ equation in multiscale porous media. In: Journal of Differential Equations, 281, 503-549.
- Tadmon C*. and Djiodjo Seugmo G. (2021): Mathematical analysis of some couplings for the Eddington-inspired-Born-Infeld theory of bi-gravity in Bondi coordinates, Class. Quantum Grav. 38, 225012.
- Tadmon, C.*, Foko S., and Rendall, A. (2021): Global stability analysis of a delay cell-population model of hepatitis B infection with humoral immune response, Dyn. Syst. 36, 537-559.
- Feukouo Fossi, A., Lubuma, J., Tadmon, C. and Tsanou, B.* (2021): Mathematical modeling and nonstandard finite difference scheme analysis for the environmental and spillover transmissions of Avian Influenza A model, Dyn. Syst. 36, 212-255.
- Tadmon C*. and Djiodjo Seugmo G. (2021), New Bianchi type I cosmological solutions in Eddington-inspired-Born-Infeld theory, Afr. Mat. 32, 555-566.
- J. Ouemba Tassé, B. Tsanou, J. Lubuma, J. L. Woukeng, F. Signing. Ebola virus disease dynamics with some preventive measures: a case study of the 2018-2020 Kivu outbreak. Journal of Biological Systems 30:1 (2022) 1-36.
- H. Nkwayep, S. Bowong, B. Tsanou, M.A. Aziz-Alaoui, J. Kurths. Mathematical modeling of COVID-19 pandemic in the context of sub-Saharan Africa: a short term forecasting in Cameroon and Gabon. Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of the IMA (2022), 1-48, doi:10.1093/imammb/dqab020.
- Fotso Fotso, S. Touzeau, B. Tsanou, S. Bowong, F. Grognard. Modelling and optimal strategy to control coffee berry borer infestation. Mathematical Models in the Applied Sciences 44 (2021) 14569-14592.
- Fossi Feukouo, J. Lubuma, C. Tadmon, B. Tsanou. Mathematical modeling and nonstandard finite difference scheme analysis for the environmental and spillover transmissions of an avian influenza model. Dynamical Systems, 36 (2021) 212-255.
- M. Ndongmo Teytsa, B. Tsanou*, S. Bowong, J. M.-S. Lubuma. Bifurcation analysis of a phage-bacteria interaction model with prophage induction. Mathematical Medicine and Biology, Journal of the IMA 38:1 (2021) 28-58.
- A. Aziz-Alaoui, J. M.-S. Lubuma, B. Tsanou. Prevalence-based modeling approach of Schistosomiasis: global stability analysis and integrated control assessment. Computational and Applied Mathematics (2021) 40:24.
- M. Ndongmo Teytsa, B. Tsanou, S. Bowong, J. M.-S. Lubuma. Coupling the modeling of phage-bacteria interaction and cholera epidemiological model with and without optimal control. Journal of Theoretical Biology 521 (2021) 110537.
- Maurice Tchoupé Tchendji, Tagueu, J.N. Guarded attribute grammars and publish/subscribe for implementing distributed collaborative business processes with high data availability. SOCA (2021).
- M.Z. Ndadji, Maurice Tchoupé Tchendji, C.T. Djamegni, Didier PARIGOT, A projection-stable grammatical model for the distributed execution of administrative processes with emphasis on actors’ views, Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences (2021),
- R. Biyogmam, C. Tcheka, and D. R. Kamgam, Some properties of ID*-n-Lie-derivations of Leibniz algebras. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics. 2021,
- R. Biyogmam, C. Tcheka. A note on outer derivations of Leibniz algebras, Communications in Algebra, Volume 49, 2021-Issue 5.
- Patenou Jean Baptiste, Characteristic Cauchy problem on the light cone for the Einstein-Vlasov system in temporal gauge, Class. Quantum Grav. 38 (2021) 185009 (42pp)
- Alain Bomgni, Garrik Jagho, Hafiz Ali, David Gnimpieba, Etienne Gnimpieba, ESPINA: Efficient and Secured Protocol for emerging IoT Network Applications, Cluster Computing Springer Journal, January 2022,,-volV)
- Nguelemo K. A., Dongo D., Foko M. and Djiofack F. E. (2021), Global solution for the coupled Yang-Mills Boltzmann system in a Bianchi type 1 space time. Research and communications in mathematics and mathematical sciences,
- Tayou Djamegni Clémentin, Tabueue Fotso Laurent, Kenmogne Edith Belise, A novel algorithm for extracting frequent gradual patterns. Machine Learning with Applications, Vol. 5.
- Fute Tagne, H. M. Kamdjou, A. El Amraoui and Armand Nzeukou, DDCA‑WSN: A Distributed Data Compression and Aggregation Approach for Low Resources Wireless Sensors Networks, International
- Journal of Wireless Information Networks, Springer, pp 1-13 DOI:, Jan 2022
- Tagne Fute, Lionel L. Sop Deffo, Emmanuel Tonye, FaSIVA: Facial signature for identification, verification and authentication of Persons, Array, Elsevier, pp 1-14, DOI:
-, Dec 2021
- P. Nyabeye, E. Tagne Fute and Emmanuel Tonye. An Approach to Self-Locate Patients in a Psychiatric Center based on Received Signal Strength Indicator and Sensor Information
- International Journal of Applied Information Systems. Vol 12, N° 37 pp 29-35, DOI:
- 5120/ijais2021451910, 2021
- M. Kamdjou, E. Fute Tagne, El Amraoui, Adnen, Armand NZEUKOU, The Transferable Belief Model for Failure Prediction in Wireless Sensor Networks. SN COMPUT. SCI. 2, 269.
-, Springer, Mai 2021
- M. Kamdjou, E. Fute Tagne, Adnen EL AMRAOUI , Armand NZEUKOU, A Low-Resources Hardware-based Audio Data Compression Scheme for Wireless Sensors Networks, International Journal of Computer Applications, IJCA, pp 13-18, Vol. 174, No. 32, April 2021
- B) Participation aux congrès, colloques et conférences scientifiques
- Kouam Kamdem I.G., Nkenlifack M.J.A., Data Security in Health Systems: Case of Cameroon. Int. Computing Conference 2021, 15-16 July 2021, London, UK.
- Marcellin Nkenlifack, Nécessité d’intégration du Machine Learning à la Cybersécurité, Actes du 1er colloque international sur la cybercriminalité et la cybersécurité au Cameroun et en Afrique, Palais des Congrès de Yaoundé, 6-7 mai 2021
- C- LELE, RLM et FCA, AAA ( On line)
- Maurice Tchoupé Tchendji and Joskel NGOUFO TAGUEU, A publish/subscribe approach for implementing GAG’s distributed collaborative business processes with high data availability, In Actes du Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, pp. , 2020.
- Calvin Tcheka, On an algebra structure on the Hochschild Homology of simply connected topological space, Algebra colloquim, 2019, AMSS CAS SUZHOU UNIV
- International Conference on Machine Learning and Cyber security (MLC-2021), University of Dschang, Cameroon.
- Online selection event for the German Research Chair in Mathematics and its Applications at AIMS-Rwanda.
- GIRAGA, Yaounde, Camerooun
- SM Garba, JMS Lubuma, B Tsanou, Nonstandard Finite Difference Models of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM), AMS, 6-9 January 2021
- Conférencier Invité à la Conférence Internationale “Modèles Mathématiques et Informatiques au Service des Objectifs du Développement Durable”, organisée par le centre C
- Ernest Basile Fotseu Fotseu, Thierry Kongne Nembot, Rajesh K. Sani, Venkataramana Gadhamshetty, Etienne Z. Gnimpieba, Alain Bertrand Bomgni: GenNER – A highly scalable and optimal NER method for text-based gene and protein recognition, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), p. 3562-3569, December 2021,
- Thierry Kongne Nembot, Ernest Basile Fotseu Fotseu, Rajesh K. Sani, Etienne Z. Gnimpieba, Carol Lushbough, Alain Bertrand Bomgni: Prediction of essential genes in G20 using machine learning model. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), p. 3578-3582, December 2021,
- B. Koguep, A.A. Chawoua and V. Leoreanu-Fotea, Derivation on Hyperlattices revisited., Arbeitstagung Allgemeine Algebra 100-Workshops on General Algebra, Jagiellonian University, Kraków – Poland, February 5-7, 2021.
- Annihilators in distributive hyperlattices, Arbeitstagung Allgemeine Algebra 101-Workshops on General Algebra, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, June 4-6, 2021
- Elie Tagne Fute, Doris-Khöler Nyabeye Pangop and Emmanuel Tonye, « DCLPP: A Distributed and
- Cooperative Approach based on a Local Path Planning for Multi-sensors Patrolling – Application to Rapid Bushfire Detection », International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), IEEE, pp. 1-7, 2021.
- Aziz L. NGOU NJIKAM ABDOU, Elie FUTE TAGNE, A Sentiment Analysis Approach for Abusive
- Content Detection using Improved Dataset, International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), IEEE, pp. 1-7, 2021
- Elie T. Fute, Hugues M. Kamdjou, Adnen El Amraoui and Armand Nzeukou. The Transferable Belief
- Model for Network Performance Reliability Analysis in Wireless Sensor Networks. The 20th
- International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN’21), Springer, Las Vegas, USA, July 2021
- Elie TAGNE FUTE, Audrey T. NANGUE and Emmanuel TONYE, « A Deep Neural Network for
- Network Intrusion Detection System based on VAE and RNN », Transactions on Computer Science & Computational Intelligence, Springer, pp. 1-6, 2021
- KOUAM KAMDEM Igor & NKENLIFACK Marcellin, Cyber-security and cyber-attack in the digital world, ICT AFRICA SYMPOSIUM, 24 – 26 aug 2021, SUPTIC Yaounde, theme : « Innovation and Internet Development for a Sustainable digital transformation of our cities ».
- FOTSO KUATE Victor & NKENLIFACK Marcellin, Intelligent monitoring system for the evaluation and reinforcement of COVID-19 response measures with answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), ICT AFRICA SYMPOSIUM, 24 – 26 aug 2021, SUPTIC Yaounde, theme : « Innovation and Internet Development for a Sustainable digital transformation of our cities ».
- Martin Xavier Tchembé and Maurice Tchoupé Tchendji, Opportunistic information dissemination over hybrid ASN using publish/subscribe communication model, Conférence de Recherche en Informatique (CRI’2021). Dec 2021, Yaoundé, Cameroon. (hal-xxxxxxx)
- Adrienne Louise Tchamgoue Kameni, Mathurin Soh, Geraud Fokou Pelap, Un modèle d’évaluation de la performance des réseaux IoT par une approche d’apprentissage automatique, Proceedings of CRI 2021, Département d’Informatique, Université de Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, Cameroun 01 – 02 Décembre 2021.
- NGUEPY Dogmo Gael, Koguep Njionou Blaise & Onabid Mathias, Rough Fuzzy Concept Analysis via Multilattices, Conférence Internationale sur la Cryptographie, l’Algèbre et la Géométrie-10 (CRAG-10), Université de Dschang, 28 – 30 juillet 2021.
- Tallee Kakeu Ariane, Koguep Njionou Blaise & Lele Celestin, Relative Annihilators in Bounded Commutative Residuated Lattices, ICT AFRICA SYMPOSIUM, Conférence Internationale sur la Cryptographie, l’Algèbre et la Géométrie-10 (CRAG-10), Université de Dschang, 28 – 30 juillet 2021.
- C) Organisation des congrès, colloques et conférences scientifiques
- Conférence Internationale IndabaX sur le Machine Learning et la Cybersécurité, 17 – 18 novembre 2021, Université de Dschang, Cameroun
- 10th International Conference on Cryptography, Algebra and Geometry (CRAG-10) University of Dschang: 27th – 30th July 2021
- African Mathematical School (AMS), University of Dschang (Cameroon), 20th July -31st July 2020
[/td] [/tr][tr] [td]
- Unité de Recherche d’Analyse de Sol et de Chimie de l’Environnement (URASCE)
- Publications scientifiques
- Aboubakar A., Manefouet B. I., Komguep L. S., Tatchoum Talom E., Foueze C. R., Lahe Djonthu Y., 2021. Geotechnical characterization of Beka-Gotto rock massif (Adamawa Region, Cameroon) for the use in civil engineering. Journal of Nepal Geological Society, 2021, vol. 62, pp. 47-57
- Achu Megnemo, L., Kwékam, M., Fozing, E.M., Tcheumenak Kouémo, J., Efon Awoum, J., Choumele Kana, S.C., Sobze Yemdji, R.B., Kamgang Tchuifong, A.B., Azemekeu Folefack, L., 2021. Field observations and microstructural evidences of syntectonic emplacement of the Ngwi granitic plutons (central Cameroon domain). Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14: 1497
- Asaah, A.N.E., Yokoyama, T., Iwamori, H., Aka, F.T., Kuritani, T., Usui, T., Tamen, J., Hasegawa, T., Nche, L.A., Ohba, T., Gountié Dedzo, M., Chako Tchamabé, B., 2021. High–μ signature in lavas of Mt. Oku: Implications for lithospheric and asthenospheric contributions to the magmatism of the Cameroon Volcanic Line (West Africa). LITHOS 400–401, 106416. org/10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106416
- Asaah, A.N.E., Yokoyama, T., Iwamori, H., Aka, F.T., Tamen, J., Kuritani, T., Usui, T., Hasegawa, T., Fozing, E. M., 2022. Geochemical composition of dykes along the Cameroon Line (CL): Petrogenesis and similarities with the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province. Geochemistry. org/10.1016/j.chemer.2022.125865.
- Ayonta Kenne, P., Njiosseu Tanko E. L., Ganno S., Ngnotue T., Fossi D. H., Ngoniri H., Nga Essomba,Nzenti J. P., (2021) Zircon trace element geochemistry and Ti-in zircon thermometry of the Linté Pan-African granitoids, Central Cameroon: Constraints on the genesis of host magma and tectonic implications. Geological Journal, 2021, 1-19
- Aziwo, B. T., Tamen, * J, Chako-Tchamabé, B., Asaah, A.N.E., Kimoun-Yangouo, F., Zemfack-Dongmo, B. S., Ziada-Tabengo, M., Tedonkenfack, S. S-T., 2022. Tephrostratigraphy and morphometry of Wum Maar Volcano (Oku Volcanic Group- Cameroon Volcanic line): Implications for complex monogenetic volcanoes. Afr. Earth Sci. 188 104470.
- Demanou Messe MR, Kenfack JV, Bomeni IY, Ngapgue F, Wouatong ASL (2022) Geotechnical soil mapping from electrical and mechanical properties: Case study of the Bafoussam urban area, west Cameroon. Applied Computing and Geosciences, Elsevier. Available online 17 January 2022.
- Demanou Messe, JV Kenfack, F Ngapgue, ASL Wouatong, E Abasoh Makem, Ngako Keuni (2021) Lineaments analysis of Bafoussam (West-Cameroon) using remote sensing and vertical electrical sounding: Hydrogeological implication. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Elsevier
- Fozing, E.M., Kwékam, M., Tcheumenak Kouémo, M. Njanko, T., Njonfang, E., 2021. Kinematic analysis of the Dschang granitic pluton (West-Cameroon): Implications to the Pan–African deformation of the Central African Fold belt in Cameroon during the post-collisional history of western Gondwana. Precambrian Research: https:
- Fozing, E.M., Kwékam, M., Tetsopgang, S., Njanko, T., Chako-Tchamabé, B., Tcheumenak Kouémo, J., Gountie Dedzo, M., Asobo Nkengmatia, E.A., Njiki Chatué, C., 2021. The mineralization potential of the I-type granites from Misajé pluton (NW-Cameroon): AMS and geochemical constraints. Solid Earth Sciences 6, 283-296.
- Kemgang Lekomo Y., Mwebi Ekengoue C., Douola Ninla A., Fotie Lele R., Guedjeo C. S., Obiri S., Kagou Dongmo A., (2021). Assessing impacts of sand mining on water quality in Toutsang locality and design of waste water purification system. Cleaner Engineering and Technology, (2)100045, pp. 1-6.
- Kenzo-Tongnang M. L., Kenfack J. V., Kengni L., Njueya Kopa A., Mouafo Saa S., Ngantouo J., (2021). Hydrogeological potential estimation of Ngoua watershed, West Cameroon using petrography, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and geophysical data. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2021) 14 :2207
- Kieufack G., Bomeni I.Y., Ngapgue F., Tchamba A. B., Mbog M. B., Kouonang Tchounang S., Wouatong A. S. L., 2021. Potential use of alluvial clays from Monoum ceramics by adding feldspar from Batie (West-Cameroon) as a fluxing agent. SN Applied Sciences, 3, 856.
- Manefouet Bertille Ilalie K, 2021. Comparative study of the compressive strength of hollow concrete blocks made in two factories in the city of Yaoundé based on local and imported cement. Proceedings of the 19th Japan-Korea-France-Canada. Joint Seminar on Geoenvironmental engineering, p185-199.
- N’nanga A., Ngueutchoua G., Ekomane E., Tematio P. (2021), The Lake Fonjak paleoproductivity controlled by the paleoclimate variations in the Adamawa plateau (Central Cameroon) during the Holocene: implications for sedimentary rate and the organic matter enrichment in Fe-shales, Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14:1813
- N’nanga, A., Nguetsop, F.V., Tematio, P., Ngos III, S., (2021). Paleoclimate implication on the Lake Fonjak level changes (Adamawa Plateau, Central Cameroon) during the last 13,500 cal yr BP. Journal of African Earth Sciences 182, 104286.
- Ngako Keuni, Kenfack J V., Pelap F. B., Demanou Messe M. R., Structural analysis of Haut-Nkam division, Central-Africa using remote sensing data and GIS technics, The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, Volume 24, Issue 3, Part 2, 2021, Pages 687-698, ISSN 1110-9823,
- Ngongang Tchikankou N.L., Kamgang P., Chazot G., Agranier A., Bellon H., Nonnotte P., Tchuimegnié Ngongang N.B., Kwékam M., (2021). Mantle source evolution beneath the Cameroon volcanic line: geochemical and geochronological evidences from Fotouni volcanic series, Western Cameroon. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 13:831 org/10.1007/s12517-020-06333-3.
- Nguemezi, C., Tematio, P., Silatsa, B.T.F., (2021). Spatial variation and temporal decline (1985–2017) of soil organic carbon stocks (SOCS) in relation to land use types in Tombel area, South-West Cameroon. Soil and Tillage Research 213, 105114.
- Njiosseu Tanko,, E. L., Danguene P. E., Ngnotue T., Ganno S., Kouankap Nono G. D., Ngo Nlend C. D., Kankeu B., Biandja J., Nzenti J. P. (2021) Petrology and geochronology of metamorphic rocks from the Bossangoa-Bossembelé area Northern Central African Republic- evidence for Paleoproterozoic high-grade metamorphism in the North Equatorial Fold Belt, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021, vol pp
- Njueya Kopa Adoua, Arnaud Tonang Zebaze, Emile Temgoua, Lucas Kengni, David Guimolaire Nkouathio, and Stéphanie Dannou Chezie, 2021. Assessment of groundwater mineralization processes in Mbakaou area (Adamawa plateau – Cameroon) by using conventional diagrams and multivariate statistical analysis. European Journal of Environment and Earth Sciences, 2 (1): 44 – 52.
- Nkouathio D. G., Djeunou Ntchambia E. D., Mohamed R., Nguimatsia Tengpmo S., Chenyi Vohnyui M. L.; 2021. Characteristics and environment impact of Pozzolan in the Tombel Graben Quarry. European Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences. 2,4, 160.
- Okomo Atouba L.C., Fagny M.A., Kada B., Edima Yana R.W., Ngougoure M.S. and Kamgang Kabeyene B.V. 2021 Petrography and Geochemical Features of Dolerites Dykes from Fell (Adamawa Plateau, Cameroon-Central Africa). Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics. 2021, 9(2), 74-82. DOI: 10.12691/jgg-9-2-4
- Paho Nteinmusi J., Kenfack J. V., Wotchoko P., Njoh O. Anoh, Makem E. Abasoh, Demanou Messe M. R., Tabod C. Tabod, (2022). Petrographic, morpho-structural and geophysical study of the quartzite deposit in the central part of Pouma, Littoral-Cameroon, Results in Geophysical Sciences, Volume 7, 2021,100019, ISSN 2666-8289,
- Sonfack A N, Ngueutchoua G, Ngagoum Kontchipe Y S, Temgo Sopie F, Nkouathio D G, Wouatong A S L, Tchatchueng R, Kenfack Nguemo G R, Njanko T (2021). Mineralogical and geochemical signatures of surface stream sediments from Dibamba River basin, SW Cameroon: Implications for provenance, weathering, and tectonic setting Journal of African Earth Sciences 181 (2021) 104251
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- B) Participation aux congrès, colloques et conférences scientifiques
- C) Organisation des congrès, colloques et conférences scientifiques
- Conférence de Géosciences, 2021.
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