Reopening ceremony of the 2019/2020 academic year
Consolidating educational governance
Dschang,UDs/SIC-11/11/19.The University of Dschang on the 8th of November 2019 vibrated under the rhythm of progress and excellence during the official reopening ceremony of the 2019/2020 academic year. Placed under the theme “Consolidating the educational governance of the Cameroonian University”, the ceremony was presided over by the Vice Chancellor of UDs Prof. Roger Tsafack Nanfosso in the midst of some administrative, religious, academic and traditional authorities. The re-opening ceremony held at the Amphitheatre 1000 was preceded by a procession by the staff of the Directorate and Student’s welfare, Assistant lecturers, lecturers, Associate professors and Professors dressed in their academic robes. The intense program characterized by speeches, oath taking, and reading of lectures was all punctuated by musical, theatric and choreographically presentations by the UDs students. The ball was set rolling by an ecumenical prayer offered by religious heads of the muslim, Catholic and Presbyterian denominations. The Mayor of the Dschang municipality represented by Prof. Emile Temgoua 1st Deputy Mayor offered a welcome address to the visitors and students present during the occasion. He mentioned the efforts put in by the Dschang Municipality in the infrastructural and social domain in order to make the students and visitors of Dschang have a livable place. Knowing that the pride of Dschang is its University the Deputy Mayor seized the opportunity to caution the students to be exemplary in their deeds, avoid being deviated and not ‘bite the finger that feeds them’. Other key moments during the ceremony was the presentation of the Chancellery board members made up of heads of faculties, Institutions and other high ranking staff. The activities of CATI2 were equally presented with the 2 laureates from the University of the just ended CATI2 project revealed ; (Dongo Woubeng Vany 2nd price of the startup challenge week 2019-5th prize in the National Youth Connekt Challenge and Djoukouo Dassi Hillary Nadia 1st prize in Cati2-2nd Prize in the National Challenge). An innovation was the inaugural lesson this year given by a lecturer from the Fotso Victor University Institute of Technology of Bandjoun, Prof. Kamdjo Gregroire. He shared on the theme “Ingenierie, Desenclavement des Grands Bassins et Emergence du Cameroun” Through his lecture that was keenly followed, he suggested desenclavement strategies which could promote the emergence of Cameroon. The oath taking session which is one of the rituals of the reopening ceremony was carried out by the freshmen and the first year Doctorate Students of the University of Dschang. The two groups took turns to pledge their loyalty, hard work and to abide to the rules of the institution. All these different aspects spiced up the reopening ceremony of the 2019/2020 academic year showcasing the seriousness with which the University of Dschang carries out its activities. /GC