Vice-Chancellor lauds staff
Dschang,UDs/SIC-31/07/18.The joy of the Vice-Chancellor Prof. Tsafack Nanfosso was glaringly expressed as he took up the floor for his closing speech. “At the University of Dschang, the academic year has a beginning and an end”.He proudly declared the period of rest which will soon be witnessed by the students and staff of his institution. Prof. Tsafack Nanfosso did not fail to present the heads of faculties as the real amazons who had forged through difficulties to achieve the celebrated results. He equally lauded the efforts of the Heads of Departments, lecturers and non-teaching staff whose dedication and relentless efforts played a vital role in the quality of the results attained. The head of the institution then outlined the major achievements of UDs in the domains of catering, lodging, health and sports. He informed all of an increase of number of restaurants to four with fourth at Ebolowa with 90% subvention of these restaurants by the University of Dschang. A recently signed partnership with a foreign Organization for a 10.000 space buy phentermine online europe pharmacy hostel will curb with the lodging issues explained the VC. With its health covering which is unique of the University of Dschang, 70 million francs had been disbursed so far to meet 100% health needs of the students and 80% for staff. The sporting domain which is not less important as declared by the VC is gradually stepping up with its activities. With great satisfaction Prof Nanfosso reiterated on the academic system of BMD which is scrupulously been implemented at UDs. The PhD program which till now seemed farfetched was demystified with a defence of PhD which came up after 36 months. With the outlined facts it could be agreed that the period of rest proclaimed during the closing ceremony is well merited. The Vice-Chancellor again made a forecast of the next closing ceremony for Friday 26th July 2019 at 10.a.m at the same venue, a moment for the University to jointly celebrate greater success which will be achieved during the 2018-2019 academic year. / GC