Solemn reopening 2017/2018
Preparations on top gear
Dschang,UDs/SIC-07/11/10. All is in top gear for the preparation of the 2nd edition of the solemn reopening ceremony of the 2017/2018 academic year in the University of Dschang slated for the 10th of November 2017. Prior to this event, the Vice Chancellor signed the announcement on the 2nd of November 2017 indicating that the event scheduled to take place at the Amphitheatre 1000 will be under the theme of collective dynamics year III enjoining all staff and students to massively attend. Activities lined up for the ceremony will include an academic procession, an ecumenical prayer ,presentation of some training fields , new PhD students , best students in both B.sc and Master programmes, the inaugural lesson and results of the UDS start-up week 2017. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Teaching professional training and the promotion of ICT’s (VREPTIC), Prof Mpoame Mbida in a brief interview stated that all hands were on deck to ensure the success of the event, « we have four days to go but we started preparing this over a month ago. As you know most of what we do in the university is collective as such commissions have been created to ensure the smooth preparation of the event and all commissions have swung into action… I am particularly in charge of the commission of academic activities which ensures that the procession and oath taking process is a success…In this edition, the first year Ph.D students will be involved in the oath taking process. The uniqueness of the occasion stems from the fact that results of the best project of the Support Center for Technology, Innovation and Incubation (CATI2) will be proclaimed. The inaugural lecture will be presented by the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences. Prof Mpoame Mbida assured us that that all commissions are ready equally revealing the fact that the best students will be honoured « we will honour the best students we already have the list.. » It is obvious that the other commissions are ready. It is also worth noting that the solemn reopening ceremony crowns the one week incubator programme of the start-up week and the scientific and cultural week of UDs.As the clock ticks, all is on top gear for the success of the 2nd edition of the solemn reopening of the 2017/2018 academic year.