Solemnly ushering in the sporting euphoria


The inhabitants of the city of knowledge with their visitors arose this 5th day of May 2019 to a cultural jamboree by the various fans club commencing from Foto down to the Main stadium of campus A. This event was the harbinger of the solemn opening ceremony of the University games. Commencing with an ecumenical prayer for a peaceful and successful UG in a united Cameroon led by Imam Allassan Danlamei and Pastor Mbono Jandem Jean of the EEC, these men of God prayed for peace love and harmony. Welcoming the mammoth crowd, together with   top administrative authorities, the mayor expressed his profound diligence to have them, telling them to feel at home. In his usual charismatic aura, the VC of UDs recognized and       appreciated efforts garnered to make the games a success, referring to these contributions as coming from “friends in deed”. Following the new cooperative spirit of higher education   and more precisely, the UDs with the   entrepreneurial world, the CEO of   MTN expressed the cooperative spirit   of his enterprise to partner with higher   education in the training of young   Cameroonians whenever there is an   opportunity. The president of the   national executive of FENASU   presented a higher education geared   towards holistic development of the   God given talents of those in quest of   knowledge. After all these, the Minister   of State, Minister of Higher Education, Prof Jacques Fame Ndongo,  lauded the efforts put together towards   the realization of the desire of the   Head of State for an all-inclusive   development of Cameroonians. He   expressed his gratitude to the Head of   government and his government for   ensuring the implementation of this   desire. With this he declared the 22nd   edition of the University games hosted   by the University of Dschang   christened the “Collective Dynamics   Games” OPENED. An innovative   highly symbolical torch-bearing and   lighting ceremony featuring a   representation of the ten regions of   Cameroon was performed signifying   unity and strength. Commitment to the   spirit of fair play was immortalized   through an oath-taking ceremony. This   was closely followed by an innovative   spectacle that attracted thunderous   applauses from a cheerfull crowd. A   mélange of culture and sports through   parade by the various delegations   raised the euphoria to fever peach.   This quickly gave way to the kick-off of   the opening match by the Minister.