Sporting activities: UDs delocalizes the lunching

The 2015/2016 sports season of the University of Dschang took a new phase. For the first time ever, the sporting season was launched out of the main campus. The University Institute of Technology Fotso Victor (IUT –FV) hosted the launching on the 16th of December 2015. This is a major event that brings athletes and their trainers together in prelude to the sporting activities of the year including among others, the Rector’s Cup and the 2016 University games which will be hosted by the University of Yaoundé II. From his perception, the Rector believes that launching the sports season out of the traditional setting “is a major innovative stride that would integrate all the satellite campuses in their rounds”. During this breathtaking ceremony that was highly attended by senior authorities and dignitaries of the Koung Khi Division including the SDO, Madame Zongo Antoinette, the Rector visited all the 9 sporting disciplines. In this, he exhibited his total support for the sports community. This major innovation is an inclusive approach that clearly ties with his slogan “we are together”./ MRZ