Supporting the 2017 Conference
CAMTEL Partners with UDs
Dschang-UDs-SIC-20/04/17: In its routine monthly conferences, UDs took an extra mile in yesterday’s conference of 19th April 2017 by signing a partnership with Cameroon Telecommunications (CAMTEL). Based on this partnership, CAMTEL will hence forth be the main sponsor of the forth-coming conferences. To start with, CAMTEL offered free 4G wifi connexion to all participants as well as passerby around the conference hall. Another remarkable aspect in this win-win cooperation was the presence of Mrs Julienne Olive Patricia Mendomo, the Regional representative of CAMTEL – West, who took time off her tight schedules to proactively take part in the conference. Being overwhelmed by the massive turn out in the conference as well as the plethora of curious minds who visited the CAMTEL Stand at the flag mast, Mrs Vong Aline Mireille, Branch Head, CAMTEL-Dschang, and a Post graduate student of the Dschang School of Economics and Management Sciences-UDs promised that CAMTEL has come to stay. Besides participating actively, CAMTEL also decided to offer their products at students’ rate to all who visited their stand. They had products like REV A, REV B, Modem CPE, smart Phones, Fine FP 22 55, E 40 8, E 50 9 just to name those. This cooperation goes a long way to confirm CAMTEL’s leading role in telecommunications as well as their policy in accompanying R&D.

The Camtel stand at the University during the conference