Take-off of Extra-sports competitions
Exhibition of creativity
Bamenda-SIC/UDs-22/04/17.The 20th edition of the all University games, UBa 2017 is proving beyond all reasonable doubts that it will be grounded on innovations. Besides the innovations in sporting activities, which cannot be over emphasized, extra-sporting activities are gradually gaining more grounds, and the most outstanding being the first edition of the exhibition on the genius and talent of the Cameroonian students (GETEC), which is a competition on the best and most innovative creative ideas and projects realized by students from Cameroonian Universities and Higher Institutions in all domains (Arts and Sciences). A plethora of institutions are taking part in this competition and the University of Dschang is represented with innovative projects like the bio digester for biogas production, 3G drawing, a solar energy drier, an automatic drink distributor among others. The best projects will receive gratifications from the Ministry of Higher Education. Another captivating and worthwhile extra-sports competition is the Fan’s club competition, which is a crowd-puller discipline whereby supporters club rival against each other. This socio-cultural competition is generally divided into 3, including the flag hoisting competition, general animation and open challenge. UDs being one of the participating institutions is poised to regain its usual number 1 position. /