The General Assembly of the OHADA club
Election of the Executive Board
Dschang,UDs/SIC-27/10/21.The General Assembly of the OHADA club of the University of Dschang took place on the 27th October 2021 at the Dschang Post Graduate Block of the Dschang School of Law. The meeting which began at 2:00pm prompt rallied both students from the Faculty of Law and Political Science as well as students from the Faculty of Economics and Management Science. The central idea that brought students of different disciplines under the same umbrella is the OHADA law that cuts across aspects of Business Law and Economics, thus justifying the reason why students of Law and Economics could bring their ideas together for the betterment of the club’s activities. Present at the meeting was the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science Professor Jean Gatsi together with his team; Dr Stephan Teche Deno who was a speaker at the ceremony and Prof Patrick Juvet Lowe as president of the Organization.
The main brain behind the meeting was to put in place an executive that will run the affairs of the club this academic year 2021/2022. After a host of speeches it was reiterated that the club was created in 2017 and the objective was to promote and vulgarize the OHADA Law, sensitize students on the practice of arbitration, develop the intellectual capacity of students, to contribute in the modernization of Business Law, and lastly to create relations between the OHADA Club and other Associations.
There was a word from the Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Law and Political Science who encouraged the students in the endeavor. He encouraged the students and called on them to be serious with the activities of the club especially as they have experts within the domain in the Faculty. He further expressed the fact that creating a department that will focus on the OHADA Law especially at the masters Level will be an advantage not just to the Faculty but to the students as much as it will give an essence to the knowledge acquired from lectures and the club activities as well. ‘Remain united and believe in what you do’ was his watch word ‘because if you do our Faculty will remain the best in Central Africa’. The conditions of eligibility as to membership were spelled out as well as conditions for admissibility for candidature in to the executive bureau. Elections for the putting in place of the new bureau was observed in a serene and transparent atmosphere with Kengne Ghislain as the president, Nguetchouessi Saint Claire as the Vice president , Ange Yando as the Secretary with his assistant Nossi Franckline. The post of the treasurer was occupied by Mahout Syntyche who is assisted by Kong Oscar. The post of a disciplinarian was occupied by Mekem Dilivio who is assisted by Kemdjou Gildas. A closing remark from the Dean of studies then followed suit with a Family picture to immortalize the event. LD