The International Symposium
UDs a cubicle of policy reforms
Dschang-UDs/SIC-30/10/2020.The University of Dschang played host to the International symposium centered on the theme « Crossed views on the decentralization process in Africa » from the 28th to the 30th of October at the Conference Center (Amphi 1000) and rallied together experts, Mayors, Academic dons, researchers as well as institutions such as the National Participatory Development Program (NPDP) ,the Special Council Support Fund for Mutual Assistance better known with its French acronym FEICOM, as well as ministries such as MINEPAT,MINDDEVEL and MINFI. During the launching ceremony, the Lord Mayor of Dschang, Jacquis Gabriel Kemleu Tchabgou welcomed participants and assured them of a rich exchange of values while highlighting the key projects the Dschang Council embarked upon. This was later followed by a welcome word from the President of the Organizing Committee, Professor Um-Ngoume Marie Therese, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, who thanked the Minister of Higher Education and the Vice-Chancellor for smoothing the path for such a forum of exchange of ideas to help reform policies on decentralization. The Vice-Chancellor, Prof Roger Tsafack Nanfosso crowned the opening with his launching speech in which he stressed on the importance of decentralization as a principal factor in the promotion of development. Emphatically stating that decentralization is a new paradigm that facilitates new public management exigencies and a pendulum to improve the lives of the local population. As such the platform will help edify and clarify participants on the stakes and challenges of the decentralization process. After the kickoff of the symposium participants were enlightened through a tour of the various exhibition stands before the first plenary session.
To achieve the aim of the symposium, 2 plenaries sessions were organized, 16 workshops moderated by experts and over 50 communications presented by experts, academic dons and resource personnel all in a bid to help better policies on decentralization. The first plenary session was moderated by Prof. Roger Tsafack Nanfosso focused on “Solidarity at the Center of the African culture and harmonious Development of Local Collectivities” presented by the Director General of FEICOM, Mr Akoa Philippe, “Decentralization and participatory local development” by the National Coordinator of NPDP Mrs Nga Marie Madeleine, among other speakers . The second plenary on day 2 was moderated by Prof. Koubou George of the University of Yaoundé II on the theme » Decentralization: Some diversed ideas” with 5 key speakers on related topics. In the same spirit different workshops were organized centered on sensitive issues like: Local governance at the service of the community, decentralization and local development, the contribution of FEICOM at the knowledge and the needs and expectation of Councils among others. At the end of the 3-day symposium, a summary report was presented by Prof Chicot EBOUE from the Universite de Lorraine –Nancy France with notable conclusions. He remarked amongst other things that Decentralization will have effects on the well-being of the population gradually, depending on the national growth and development policy. Suggesting to MINFI to suspend the single treasury account which was a counter-cyclical reform .Highlighting that in an event of an economic downturn on the commodity markets, if the state collects fewer customs resources, the municipalities and regions will be able to continue supporting the economy with their own resources.
He added that there was need to reform the architecture of support for the decentralization policy, with the sustainability of the NPDP and advocated for a change in name of FEICOM to Bank of the Councils (new medium-term decentralization mechanism).
He concluded by saying there was vital need to adjust the institutional architecture of decentralization: the Regions must receive at the level of their territory, the essential economic attributions, to be removed from the Governor and the SDOs’, who handle sovereign matters.
The symposium ended with a word of thanks from the Vice-Chancellor of University of Dschang represented by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in Charge of Internal Audit, Prof Jeannot Mane Mane. To Crown the intense brainstorming session, a trip to visit the experimental farm in Bansoa and the Sultan’s Palace in Foumban was effectuated by participants. Thus, the exchange and proposals obtained at the end of the symposium will definitely play a key role in reforms and as such help attain developmental goals in the country./LD