The Scientific and cultural week at the University of Dschang
A display of prowess by UDs
Dschang/UDs-SIC 19/11/2020.The 19th of November 2020 marked the end of the 6th edition of the Scientific and Cultural Week at the University of Dschang with the visit of stands by the Vice-Chancellor Professor Roger Tsafack Nanfosso and members of the Chancellery Board. All the Faculties and schools of UDs were heavily represented each with an insightful expositions of their know how.
The Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences coordinated by Dr. Ngadjui Esther was emphatic on the particularity of the ceremony which is taking place during the COVID 19 pandemic. Represented by their different rubrics in their stand which included physics, biology, research work, psychotherapy, social health and epidemiology, pharmaceutical and a sensitization rubric on medical issues. They presented their creativity through displays such as the fabrication of the hand sanitizers. The Faculty of Science coordinated by Professor Pelap Francois had five rubrics one for research and four for professional Masters. The occasion which was an opportunity to display know how was particular with its accompanied innovations like a modern form of solar energy, a detective machine as well as a purification machine against COVID 19. The Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences under the watchful eyes of Professor Jean Romain kouesso as the Head of Department was heavily represented by all its six departments. For their exposition they had different publications like Masters and Ph. D thesis and a cartographic display. Special about this year’s ceremony is the promotion of bilingualism, multiculturalism and linguistic diversity which was at the forefront of their endeavors. The Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences equally displayed their expertise with the presence of its five different departments. As for their innovations, they came up with different varieties of rice, solar refrigerators just to name. With the word of congratulation from the Vice-Chancellor, they expressed their satisfaction. Professor Fomini Tendonkeng Jean who coordinated this stand submitted a satisfactory impression for this year’s Scientific and cultural week.
The Institute of Technology Fotso Victor/ Bandjoun came up this year with an incubator and an explorative vehicle that can ensure a search in case of accidents. The ceremony was animated by university band group and Fans club.
The Vice-chancellor after the tour highlighted the important of the week to press officials stating that it showcases the capabilities of the various faculties in the cultural and scientific phase. There is a mixture of culture through dances, painting sculpture among others … and on the order hand the scientific aspect where there is enormous scientific creation. This brilliance displayed by the university in the cultural and scientific sphere will launch the kick-off of the new academic year in grandstlye come 20th November 2020./ LD