The tenets of the academic procession
Glamour exhibited during the opening ceremony of the academic year
Dschang,UDs/SIC-19/11/21. The opening ceremony of the 2021/2022 academic year was indeed an embodiment of excellence. One of the non-negligible aspects that brought glamour to this occasion was the procession of the teaching staff which took place from the flag mast of Campus A right into the University Conference hall ( Amphi 1000) where the ceremony proper took place.
Dressed in their academic robes, the teaching staff of the University turned out in great numbers to grace the occasion. The procession was led by members of the Directorate of Students Welfare dressed in their beautiful blue and white robes. Commitment and hard work could then be seen as the Assistant lecturers, the Senior lecturers, the Associate Professors marched majestically. Separated by gaps with hostesses heralding their coming The procession was tailed by the professors with their illustrious Vice Chancellor Prof. Roger Tsafack Nanfosso. Though dressed in their ox blood academic robes like others, their dexterity, endurance could tell of the input in promoting sound knowledge. As Explained by Dr. Fomene, member of the Directorate of Students Welfare, the “academic procession is of great importance as it valorizes the academic performance of the teaching staff. It encourages hard work and promotes excellence as the less ranked teaching staff endeavors to put in more efforts to climb the academic ladder »/ GC