UDs ends academic year
2018/2019 academic year results proclaimed
Dschang, UDS/SIC-30/7/19. It was a memorable ceremony on Friday, 28th of July 2019 at the Amphi 1000 of the University of Dschang during which the teaching, non-teaching staff and students gathered for the official closing ceremony of the academic year mainly characterized by the proclamation of results. Graced with the presence of the Minister of State for Justice, Minister Jean De Dieu Momo, the newly appointed Council Chair, Prof. Ndembiyembe Paul Celestin and other dignitaries, the ceremony was tailored at giving ample information about the academic year. First to take the floor was the University Registrar, Prof. Guy Mvelle Mefinda representing the VREPTIC/UDs who gave a brief summary of the University of Dschang with over 29,500 students with 9 campuses, 5 antennae and 1 annex with over 500 teaching and non-teaching staff, more than 600 foreign students with a total number of 8600 students of the University eligible for this year’s presidential prize of excellence. He lauded the ceremony which was UDs’s way of abiding to the new mechanism, performance and scientific innovation fostered by the Vice-chancellor Prof. Roger Tsafack Nanfosso. The Registrar praised the hierarchy, teaching and non-teaching staff for their relentless effort which culminated to the success achieved. For an academic year characterized by a well organized University games by the University of Dschang, the registrar wished the staff and students well during their one month deserved holidays.
The proclamation of results proper took place under the direction of Prof. Wanda Robert (DAAC/UDs) who during this 3rd edition of the proclamation of results thanked the commitment shown during the year and the VC’s collective dynamic spirit which works in line with Cameroon’s move towards emergence. He went on to give the success rate of all the faculties and schools of the University of Dschang which was higher than that of the previous year. He shared the VC’s vision of having a 0% failure rate which should be the concern of all lecturers and students. Prof. Wanda then called on the Deans of all the Faculties and Schools who in collaboration with their Heads of Departments read out the names of the first five meritorious students of each field. An innovation in this domain was the prizes offered by Minister Jean de Dieu Momo to the first three students and to meritorious students of the Department of Linguistics by the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL). Others had the opportunity to shake hands with the authorities as they received their transcripts. The joy expressed by students in their hearts was echoed by the Student delegate of the Faculty of Science who took the floor and thanked the entire University for their support as he particularly asked that a standing ovation be granted for the Vice-Chancellor Prof. Tsafack Nanfosso. The research, training, valorization and innovation showcased by CATI2 through their animator, Mr Gabin Djeudji during the ceremony, also revealed the know-how of the University of Dschang. With over 5000 projects received over the two years, 528 students have been trained with 28 enterprises created and 16 evaluated. During the official closing ceremony 10 outstanding students for the 2nd batch were awarded prizes ranging from 2 million francs to 500,000 frs.
With a great academic year as unveiled, the Vice-chancellor Prof, Roger Tsafack Nanfosso could not hide his joy and satisfaction when he took up the floor. He was full of thanks, to the dignitaries for their presence, to the chancellery members, to the lecturers, the non-teaching staff and students for their efforts in achieving success. With projects achieved like the Post-graduate school building recently inaugurated by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, the CATI projects, work of the different PIHL, the Prof nanfosso was grateful. As his habit during such ceremonies, he then gave the Rendez-vous for the 2019/2020 academic year for Tuesday, the 24th of September 2019 which will end with an official closing ceremony slated for Friday the 24th of July 2020 at 10.a.m/ GC