UDs General assembly of academic staff
2016/2017 Academic year resumption assured
Dschang-SIC/UDs-17/10/16. The 2016/2017 academic year of the University of Dschang (UDs) commenced in grand style with the general assembly of academic staff of the university in a view to evaluate the previous academic year and chart a way for another successful academic year. The occasion that took place at the University auditorium at 2.30 pm was presided over by the Vice Chancellor, Prof Tsafack Roger Nanfosso. The VC presented his address under 4 main headings; improved working conditions, wellbeing of lecturers, University cohesion and challenges to overcome.
With regards to working conditions, he said efforts have been made by the Directorate of Infrastructure, Planning and Development to increase the construction of number of offices for staff . He assured staff of more equitable distribution of internet on campus and beyond with the availability of the optic fibre. The VC informed staff about contacts made by the University with MINMIDT and Yaoundé I Polytechnic on the creation of a support Centre for the visibility of the University in research and database creation in 3D. The VC observed that sanitation has improved with bins around campus, cleaner classrooms; however, students will be encouraged to get more involved through buy accutane best acne treatment their clubs. To guarantee the wellbeing of lecturers, Prof. Nanfosso informed the assembly of the availability of a health insurance policy geared at covering up to 80% health cost by Area assurance Company. He added that the University is engaging in negotiations with financial credit societies, and construction organisations to facilitate the construction of decent and affordable houses for staff. With regards to social cohesion amongst staff, the Vice Chancellor encouraged staff to partake in all activities of the university and use the university social media and the Dschang University radio to relate with each other and share scientific discoveries. He stated the need for a harmonised alumni association in the University. As concerns challenges, the VC highlighted the need for quality evaluation of lectures in the institution,the need for lecturers to reside in Dschang, the continuation of the development fund and fund raising enterprise of the University.
The assembly continued with a frank and interactive session with lecturers which bordered on issues like, staff welfare, reviving associations, teaching, research and the modalities of the insurance policy implemented. The start of the year is indeed assured as staff left the auditorium for an exquisite dinner in full satisfaction./