UDs sums up the academic year in grandstlye
Tenets of excellence rewarded
Dschang, SIC/UDs-6/08/21.The Conference Center of the University of Dschang on Friday 6th August 2021 was full to capacity during the occasion of the official Proclamation of Results and handing over of testimonials to meritorious students. The ceremony presided over by the Vice Chancellor Prof. Roger Tsafack Nanfoso had as main activities speeches, proclamation of results and award of prizes. The ball was set rolling by Prof. Njoya Jean, Deputy Vice-Chancellor in Charge of Teaching Professionalization and Promotion of ICTs who offered the welcome speech. He lauded the great success gotten this academic year as he gave a summary of the vision of the University. The proclamation of results proper was then carried out in two phases, firstly by Prof. Andre Tchoupie, DAAC/UDs who unveiled the general results and later by the Deans who came up with more details of each faculty. Prof Tchoupie accredited the general results of 77.75 % achieved this year thanks to the Collective Dynamic spirit initiated by the Vice Chancellor and equally to the hard work and resilience of the staff and students. The Deans of the Faculty of Letters, Faculty of Economics and Management, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences as well as the Directors of the FOTSO VICTOR University Institute of Technology, the Institute of Fine Arts and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences all took up turns to read out the names of the five best students of the departments in their Faculties and schools. It is worth noting that the Annex of FASA in Bafia was particularly brought to the limelight during the closing ceremony as their first batch of students received testimonials. With tentacles of success spread to 10 of the Private Institutions of Higher Education under the mentorship of the University of Dschang, the DAAC/UDs, Prof Tchoupie proceeded to the proclamation of their results. International recognition for excellence at the University of Dschang for this academic year was also known as the Director of the University Institute of Technology Fotso Victor in Bandjoun, Prof. Tamo Thomas with great joy disclosed the gold and bronze medals received as the first African team in double championship at the SAT competition grasped by IUT/FV in Spain on July 9th 2021. Innovative projects as well as the best PhD thesis holders from the Dschang schools were also presented during the ceremony. Partners of the University of Dschang equally made their presence felt through scholarships and awards granted. Orange Cameroun which had been partnering with the University of Dschang for the past three years offered scholarships to the best students of each faculty while the Summer Institute Linguistics (SIL) on its part offered prizes to the 15 meritorious students of the Bachelor and Masters level for the next academic year. The joy and satisfaction witnessed during the ceremony left no one indifferent as it was voiced out by Mr Tchuidjan Etienne Yanick delegate and student representative in his speech.
In the long awaited closing speech of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Tsafack Nanfosso, congratulated the entire University community for their efforts which culminated to the success achieved during this academic year. He praised the fact that the academic calendar set up by the Ministry of Higher Education was highly respected at the University of Dschang. ‘At the University of Dschang the academic year as a beginning and an end’ the VC reiterated. He acknowledged the fact that some challenges faced during the year like those imposed by the COVID 19 were overcome as mitigating factors were put in place while other challenges like festive, sportive activities and researches which remain pending will hopefully be surmounted. The VC commended the teaching and non teaching staff and partners for their concerted efforts that led to the success. He particularly encouraged students to do better emphasizing on the fact that the nation is in need of their creative and innovative minds. The head of the Institution in his bilingual speech rounded up by calling on youths to make of their nation the Eldorado sought for in other countries. The ceremony on this light ended with a great note of satisfaction as the curtains for the 2020/2021 academic year were shut. /