Vice-Chancellor of Excellence and Success

The 17th aggregation contest in legal, political, economic and management sciences, organized by the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education, known by its French acronym  (CAMES), from the 9th to 20th November , 2015 in Lome Togo, witnessed the participation of 148 candidates from 12 African countries with Cameroon inclusive. This highly intellectual exercise requires candidates to express their expertise in various academic spheres including a synthesis of published works, text commentary and dissertation. Amongst the 6 disciplines, UDs majored in 3 disciplines to-with: Pr Joseph Keutcheu (Political Sciences), Pr Joseph Nzongang (Management Sciences) and Pr. Moïse Timtchueng (Criminal Law). Amongst the laureats, Pr Joseph Keutcheu recieved the Prix Coris Bank as best lauréat for 2015. The Vice-Chancellor of UDs and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Control and Evaluation both earned this prestigious grade in 2001 and 2003 respectively. .