BUIDAAC N004 & 005 du 27 juillet au 29 février 2020
Dear reader, this is the combined fourth and fifth issues of the Quarterly News Bulletin of the Directorate of Academic Affairs and Cooperation (BUIDAAC) for the 2019-2020 academic year. This News Bulletin is mainly intended for the university community, for the private institutions of Higher Education under the tutelage of the University of Dschang and progressively for our national and international public as a whole. BUIDAAC is not only focused on news related to teaching, research and cooperation which are essential to every university institution, but also on recognition of the UDs at the national and international levels.
Beyond a quarterly information display, these fourth and fifth issues cover the period between July 26 2009 and February 29, 2020; giving an account of the past academic activities and ploughing into the new orientations assigned to BUIDAAC.
The tradition has been respected though the quarterly publication could not be possible due to intense duties at the DAAC. The main activities concerned:
At the teaching level, it is essentially the matter of statistics lecturers of the UDs according to schools and faculties and according to grade, up to December 2019. This mainly concerned:
– Lecturers registered in the aptitude for the grades list of Senior lecturers, Associate Professors and Professors;
– Students enrolment according to BMP program and according to school and Faculty;
– Excellence in the performance of students with particular emphasis on rigour and discipline, notably in the unfolding of lecturers and examination including the Private Institutions of Higher Education under the tutelage of the UDs with a strict respect of an academic calendar conceived to that effect;
– Rounding up the recruitment of 144 PhD holders (instead of 109 initially earmarked) at the University of Dschang in conformity with the instructions of the Head of State;
– Launching the second phase of the special recruitment and of the numerical replacement.
At the level of research, BUIDAAC is giving the statistics of the Dschang Schools of the post graduate school, the defences of Doctorate/PhD theses and the Habilitation to conduct research, as well as training units. There are also the accomplishments of lecturers in the research domain and whose promotion to higher grades and the significant mobility at the national and international levels are pointer to the effectiveness of research.
Of course, internship reports, dissertations and theses were defended in all the schools and faculties.
National and international colloquia and seminars are regularly held. Visits from foreign partners and business partners are common in the University of Dschang.
Cooperation is on the move also, both at the national and international levels for a university counting 41 private Institutions of Higher Learning out of which 38 are active right to February 29, 2020.
An innovation with Municipal Universities has thus been brought into existence to reinforce research capacities of decentralized local communities and professionalize teaching.
Also, Agreements and Conventions for research Master with two (02) Private Institutions have been signed, one of which is national (ISMA) and the other international (EM Gabon University).
Having the desire to increase transparency, the University of Dschang has been endowed with a personalized mobile application with a UDs label from Play Store which is functional and can be downloaded.
This is the very essence of these fourth and fifth issues of BUIDAAC which justifies the fact that no valid argument can cast doubts on the UDs occupying the first position in the recent Webometrics ranking of 2019 in Cameroon and in the CEMAC zone.